Daily Star

Fry-up good for you

- by JERRY LAWTON jerry.lawton@dailystar.co.uk

PEOPLE should start the morning with a full English breakfast, a top weight-loss doc says.

NHS surgeon Andrew Jenkinson said it will “set you up for the day”. And he warned that crash dieters always end up fatter than when they started.

He said: “Imagine you are taking your great-grandmothe­r around the shops.

“If there’s any food she doesn’t recognise, don’t buy it.’’

The only thing dieters should cut out is bread.

So he advises against toast with your eggs, bacon, sausage and tomato.

Andrew – a bariatric surgeon specialisi­ng in weight loss – discussed diets with

2,000 obese patients as he researched his book Why

We Eat (Too Much).

He said: “It’s always the same story. They all say they lose weight to begin with, but then put it on again and end up heavier.’’

Dieters must also accept they need up to two hours a day to shop and cook from scratch.

Yesterday it was claimed many vegan meals contain more chemical additives than meat and fish.

Investigat­ive author Joanna Blythman said: “Vegan products are often just high-protein flours with gums, glues, water and a range of additives.

“A lot contain a rogues gallery of dodgy ingredient­s that I wouldn’t touch with a bargepole.’’

IT’S official – full English breakfasts are good for you.

We knew it all along.

But it’s now been confirmed by a top doctor.

Dr Andrew Jenkinson says we should ditch faddy weight-loss schemes.

And we should eat the classic breakfast dish to set ourselves up for the day.

His words will be welcomed by millions of people.

It’s great to finally have some diet advice we can get behind.

January is where many of us try to change our diets and become healthier.

It can be tricky. Many of us quickly fall back into our old ways.

But this will surely help.

It exposes many of these fancy new diets for what they often are – nonsense.

Sometimes it’s best to stick to what you know.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? TASTY: The traditiona­l meal… but no toast
TASTY: The traditiona­l meal… but no toast

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