Daily Star

Alastair should keep his TV job after he said sorry


TV and radio presenter Angela Scanlon is very fit. Can we have a sexy picture please? Thanks. Colin from Kent


Absolutely ridiculous that Alastair Stewart has had to quit ITV for quoting Shakespear­e on Twitter. Alas, poor Alastair! We knew him well. Leo F

I’m sad for veteran and gent Alastair Stewart. One quip and he’s blown away. I bet Al is most genuinely sorry for his slip. We all say things in frustratio­n sometimes, it’s like treading on egg shells and someone is always waiting to jump in. Pitty racism isn’t treated so serious both ways. Chin up, Al.

Big J, W mids

I shall really miss Alastair Stewart my favourite news reader. terrible way to end his career why does everyone take offence so easily? I’m sure he didn’t mean anything offensive. nanny val

so to quote the great shakespear­e is now a sackable offence!! That puts a lot of our A-level gcse holders and uni degree holders in a very grey area every time they put pen to paper and open their mouths. To quote that great literary brain – the world has gone nuts! robtin

I think dawn neesom the star columnist should be promoted to prime minister or queen or something, her scathing assessment­s of the pc butterfly brigade always brighten my dreary day up.

Rich Low, planet earth

What’s coming in from China is causing widespread panic as many people stand to be affected and devastated by it. However the Government say once we get used to Huawei providing our 5G network we should be ok. Dickie Hart

Trump warning the UK that Huawei cannot be trusted. Has Trump forgotten about Edward

Debbie and my first horse Mary Jane in Buckingham. Andrew Murdoch

Snowden 2013, the whistleblo­wer who revealed that the American NSA had been secretly carrying out a mass surveillan­ce operation. Both the US and China cannot be trusted, but what choice is there? When the UK has failed to invest in an industry the world now relies upon? Red fred

Can we please stop talking about pubes whatever they are. It’s very naff. Be going on about the mens privates next. No decorum 2day. Ginny P

So the BBC is axing 450 jobs to save money. Why not just axe Lineker? Job done. Spartacus

So 450 BBC news journalist­s are being sacked, serves them right anti-brexit toerags! Des, wolves

Love all those leave supporters texts its all we won not one of them have said how they’re going to be better off bet boris & his cronies are sitting around a table now discussing all your new workers rights. yeah sure he is. idiots.


Three cheers for BOJO, goodbye Brussels goodbye EU and good riddance.


❑ will!

the vile-bile & abuse aimed at utds fans & players wed at the etihad was the worst ive EVER seen & 2 mock jesse lingard’s sexuality was disgracefu­l! ray, salford

The eu “anthem” ode to joy was adolf hitler’s favourite piece of music. That tells you all you need to know about the eu and its followers.

alan in teesdale

Ozzy Osbourne is like El Cid ... Dead or alive he must be on stage for his fans – what a legend and what a man! Jimi Peters diss norfolk

Re FBI wanting to talk to Prince Andrew. Maybe they should look behind one of the masks on The Masked Singer? One never knows.

Phantom Texter

So anyone wearing leopard print clothing is a “Tart” according to Ben Lilly? Mmm great opinion you idiot. Lorypaul

I remember the good old days back in the seventies when I won a disco dancing competitio­n – I was only trying to get to the bar for a drink. Nailbox Phil

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