Daily Star

Too many TV stars make me feel sick


We’ve got enough nauseating people on the telly we’ve now got the ever laughing Judy hyena Murray. ANNE FIELD

The BBC should be refunding everyone’s licence fee as due to the virus there are even more repeats than usual. Box Clever

Regarding TV licence fee can someone please tell me why as an OAP if I lived in Ireland I would not only get licence fee free. I would get free rail travel and free bus travel so i guess we are not all in this together eh! Mary Moore

MP Damian Collins is right to say that Jeremy Kyle should not be allowed back on TV until there has been a full inquiry into his show. There needs to be a wider inquiry into the whole concept of Reality TV, following on from recent incidents where contestant­s and presenters have had mental health issues, and in some tragic cases, they have taken their own lives. There were no such TV programmes when I was growing up in the 1980s, maybe it is time for TV networks to return to traditiona­l programmes. Dave P

MP says Jeremy Kyle should be grilled by government and banned from TV, well most of the people who went on his show wanted 15mins of fame most low intelligen­ce and are we going to blame others every time for people taking own life. Stockton jeff

Maybe we should sit Jeremy Kyle fans down and get the crayons and drawing paper out to try and explain to them just why he should not be allowed back on TV? PHANTOM TEXTER

The Jeremy Kyle saga is now as boring as Brexit, time to move on. Arthur, Glasgow

“Builder In The Buff”, a nice change from ladies, where does he keep his tools though?

Widow Vulture Blackburn

 ??  ?? LAUGHING: Judy Murray
LAUGHING: Judy Murray
 ??  ??

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