Daily Star

Trump’s golf bid


- ■ by NIGEL THOMPSON, Travel Editor

Can you guess the year from these five clues?

1. House of son! Madness star Suggs is born in Hastings, East Sussex.

2. Tottenham Hotspur win the Football League First Division for the second – and most recent – time.

3. War film The Guns Of Navarone, starring Gregory Peck and David Niven, hits cinemas.

4. John F Kennedy is the youngest man to be inaugurate­d as US President, aged 43.

5. Out of this world! Russian Yuri Gagarin becomes the first human in space.

No Googling! Answer in tomorrow’s paper. Yesterday’s year: 1994

DONALD Trump pressured the US ambassador to the UK to ask about holding the Open at his golf course in Scotland, it has been claimed.

But when Woody Johnson mentioned it to the then Secretary of State for Scotland, David Mundell, in 2018 he said it would be “inappropri­ate” to discuss it, claims a US newspaper.

The White House, State Department and Johnson all declined to comment about what Trump’s instructio­ns were regarding Turnberry.

Trump bought Turnberry Resort on Ayrshire coast in 2014. the the

HOLIDAYS to the Med are on offer for under £100 per person as travel firms try to tempt Brits back abroad.

The week-long £97 each selfcateri­ng deal to the two-star Miami Sea View Apartments in Kavos, Corfu, is for travel from Luton in midseptemb­er and can be snapped up through travelsupe­rmarket.com.

The firm’s Emma Coulthurst said: “These package holiday prices for peak season have pretty much never been seen before. Even 25 years ago you would have struggled to find a holiday in the summer at this low a price.

“If you did, you’d have had to pop into the travel agent with your bags already packed and leave that evening and it would have likely been when the season hadn’t really started.

“Not only are prices low. Due to demand being low, the likelihood is that you will find hotels and resorts at much reduced capacity and have them much more to yourself.’’

 ??  ?? BEACH FUN: Families make the most of sunshine at West Bay, Dorset
BARGAIN HUNT: Sun-seekers can book cut-price Corfu breaks
BEACH FUN: Families make the most of sunshine at West Bay, Dorset BARGAIN HUNT: Sun-seekers can book cut-price Corfu breaks

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