Daily Star

We can’t afford migrants in middle of a pandemic


Please can we have a picture of Vanessa Ferlito from N.C.I.S New Orleons. She is one cool lady. Thank you. Colin from kent


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Any force won’t stop sponges sorry migrants coming to this country because they come with nothing and get given everything. Stop all help and they will stop coming, we SHOULD be looking after this country first look at the people losing they jobs and possibly there houses. Steve B/heath

it is ludicrous that at a time when people are quarantine­d and locked down boat loads of people are arriving illegally, we are probably heading into one of the worst recessions in history with many people unemployed, food banks will be overrun with desperate people trying to feed their families as winter bites and still hardly anything is done to stop boat load after boat load, these people walk through safe country after safe country they don’t want these countries they want britain because we are the doormat of europe if not the world undermined from within by a radical woke culture that loves every culture other than ours no matter how brutal and a political class to cowardly to fight them and our borders falter and fail western civilisati­on is now on the ropes, ghettos and slums are not multicultu­ral successes they are widening chasms in a very divided land. John challenger

532 migrants landed here in 3 days last week. This is becoming a f ***** g joke just like this government. Our benefit system & housing are going to get hammered.


wots up with this gov they keep on abt the fight against coronaviru­s and they will keep letting thes migrants in if this keeps happnin and dnt send them bk the uk will be the epicentre with covid 19 time wake up gov and smell the coffee.

fed up tone

at the moment, because of the pandemic, companies and businesses are shedding staff by the thousands who will then have to claim benefits and at the same time we have hundreds of illegals arriving who are given priority to our benefits system. How long can the dwindling taxpayers sustain the current level of cost? Worried

best way to sort boat people is when u find them throw them a rope, when they have tied it on, head right back to france – problem solved. sam saunders walsall

All these immigrants reaching our shores. The government’s current measures don’t work. They’re going to start using tides instead. Andy Rimmer Preston

We gave France £millions a few years ago to stop migrants it didn’t work so don’t give them any more. They are holding us to ransom because we are leaving EU. Clean break leave now. Monkeyboy

How long is this government going to keep on paying the french government to help illegal immigrants to invade our country? They are just filling their boots with British taxpayers hard earned money. Alan in Teesdale

The recent fiasco with grades should be gratefully accepted as a salutary lesson in life that getting kicked in the teeth will be commonplac­e for all but the privileged. Best to get used to it! This is modern Britain. James Cameron Mcewan

textmaniac­s just spoke to 2 teachers – they shredded union cards, rep told them never mind kids get boris out of no 10, union numptys. Bet u dont print this. al slea

I agree with Leo Mckinstry we’ve got to buy British for the sake of our economy Thatcher said this years ago. Would also save companies and jobs. CANDY LARBRA

police documentar­y on C5! Police assaulted! 1 knifed etc etc! And the sentences were shown! They were a total JOKE! £150 fines and community service? When’s this country going to wake up? Bring USA justice over here! Offenders get years in prison! Q dog yorks

I saw a dwarf a prison climbing down to myself wall. I thought con “That’s a little

Keeley R descending”. know if the Does anyone of Pisa is leaning tower a “listed” building?

tony worksop

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