Daily Star



ARIES March 21 to April 20

YOU have friends in high places. Reach out if you need support to get a new plan or project under way. Once someone realises what you are doing, they will show a huge amount of interest. This could lead to you joining forces in a long-term venture.

Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3801**

GEMINI May 22 to June 21

YOU’RE looking into ideas on how to make money from your home. Explore these opportunit­ies further. Close your ears to any protests that come your way from family and friends. If you think your plans might work, get on with them. Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3803**

LEO July 24 to August 23

YOU always get on best when left to your own devices. The moment you sense someone is watching over your shoulders, you start making mistakes. Move away discreetly and find a place to work where you won’t be overlooked.

Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3805**

TAURUS April 21 to May 21

YOU’RE proud of an achievemen­t and want to share it with family and friends. Someone’s reaction is unexpected. They may accuse you of cheating or not being so successful. If they can’t be happy for you, they aren’t a true friend. Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3802**

CANCER June 22 to July 23

YOU’RE having second thoughts about plans that involve a lot of people or a long journey. There is a lot that has happened since you agreed to this and you’re seeing problems ahead. It may not be in your best interests to continue with this commitment. Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3804**

VIRGO August 24 to September 23

WHEN the chance is offered to train for a new job, seriously think about it. This could pave the way for future success. A career path you thought would be right for you isn’t as rewarding as you expected. It isn’t too late to make changes.

Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3806**

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