Daily Star

Fill ya hoots!


CLASSIC show Blankety Blank could be heading back to TV with The Chase star Bradley Walsh as host.

The show, formerly fronted by stars including Sir Terry Wogan and Les Dawson is set for a one- off reboot.

It saw contestant­s fill in the word of a missing sentence, aiming to match it to the secret choices of the celebrity panel.

Now JAMES MOORE has come up with our own fun version of the game that you can play with your friends or family – themed on the madcap world of modern- day Britain. Good luck!

1. Dominic Cummings tried to find out if he’d got Covid- 19 but they gave e him a _____ test instead.

2. I think they should bring back all the old telly favourites like It t

Ain’t Half Hot Mum and d

Are You Being Served. But ut you would never be allowed wed to mention _____ on air now.

3. Before all this I thought furlough was a type of ______.

4. If they made a Carry On movie featuring the coronaviru­s pandemic, it would have to be called Carry On ____.

5. This nation is turning into such a bunch of snowflakes, they will probably ban ____ next.

6. I forgot my mask at the shop the other day and had to use my ____ instead.

7. Celeb chef Gordon Ramsay’s food is so expensive, he’d probably sell his own ___ if he could.

8. Boris Johnson is making such a hash of things, he’d be better off going on The Great British Bake Off and showing off his ________.

9. Match Of The Day host Gary Lineker now has so much cash, he can probably afford a golden ____.

10. I got so bored in quarantine that I watched _____ on TV.

11. The world is getting so bizarre that I wouldn’t be surprised if the next James Bond villain was______.

12. I hear I’m A Celebrity is coming back to telly soon. That Ant and Dec on telly are a right pair of ____.

13. If England keep having to drop players, at this rate they’ll have ____ playing up front.

14. I’m so desperate for a proper holiday I’d even go to _____.

15. A Question Of Sport’s Sue Barker is now being lined up as the next ____.

16. Reality television regular Gemma Collins reckons that she is an alien. She’ll be saying she’s a

____ next.

17. My wife’s so worried about coronaviru­s, she won’t even let me share a ____ any more.

18. I’ve come up with my own rule of six. I’m only allowing myself six ___ a day.

19. The best other use for Matt Hancock would be as a ____.

20. Instead of a chequebook and pen on Blankety Blank now, they probably give you a ____ instead.

 ??  ?? QUESTION MASTERS: Wogan, Dawson and Walsh. Right from top, Lineker, Ramsay, Barker and Cummings
QUESTION MASTERS: Wogan, Dawson and Walsh. Right from top, Lineker, Ramsay, Barker and Cummings

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