Daily Star

Judges’ potty pension decision robs women


So three senior judges have decided on behalf of the government that the raised womens pension age from the age of 60 to 66 is legal. What a joke. It’s not your sympathy they wanted, it’s the pension money they worked for and told they would receive at the age of 60 years of age. Bet your pensions are ok. Hope you three sleep well knowing you have robbed 4 million women of what they worked hard for. Dave Mac cornwall

they send billions in aid to other countries but will not right the wrongs done to over 60s, that’s Britain for you. liverpool Jackie

I am 77yrs young never had a penny from the govt that I had not worked for so when I was given a free TV licence it was very nice now the BBC have decided I have to pay. well I have decided I am not paying it so will look forward to going to prison and get 3 meals a day and free TV.

to stockton jeff: cyclists don’t pay for road usage, because we don’t wear the surface down! Motoring nutters can’t comply with the 20 mph skid risk limit, when roads have been resurfaced! most car drivers, not cyclists, are dangerous – why do you overtake bikes, when the rider is indicating to turn right? Stockton Jeff: Most cyclists are also car owners therefore pay to use the roads but choose to cycle for health and environmen­tal reasons. STRATHBOY

Central government to London will take us back to slums in Liverpool Glasgow etc The Tories Labour government together never did much except take us to Uncle Sam’s wars. They couldn’t run coffee



How long will it be before Boris is accused of taking too long to start a second lockdown? I am praying this time people are really made to stay at home and not work right through lockdown as was expected from my company. Dave Cornwall

what’s the betting within 2weeks one of boris jonsons cronies will break the new covid rules and come out with another stupid excuse as to why they broke it. Let’s see. shaun harlepool

As I live alone but go to the pub to see my mates the new rules put in place by the government in Tyneside say you can only go with your own family so really the government is saying I have to sit at home alone which isn’t good for my mental health. Geoff Newcastle

So we can’t meet with wit more than 6 and only on from 2 households, holds, why don’t we just arrange to have a family f meeting at the th supermarke­t., dozens of people allowed to mingle there, mostly total strangers. Tommy

When Alex Cruz of BA was speaking to the MPS he forgot to tell them how big a pay cut he and his fellow board members took during lockdown and how much more they plan to take going forward to ensure the business survives. so Sturgeon wants a curfew on the pubs why does she not say what she really wants and that is prohibitio­n on drink and tobacco but be warned look at South Africa and what happened in 1920s America. Robert Cameron Glasgow

Reading about the veterans in the Daily Star article about the 80th anniversar­y of the B. O. Britain, how would today’s wokes, snowflakes coped, just a thought. Old

Alan from Donny

£ 19 for breakfast? How about £ 16 per WEEK to cover ALL your outgoings? Some people... Waterbird

With his £ 19 English Breakfast and £ 23 Steak and Chips, Gordon Ramsay is trying to turn everyday popular meals into “Posh Nosh”. Dave P, Stockport

please help why do my yorkshire puds rise in the oven but like pancakes when taken out.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? YAN Wigan: My favourite Women Louise English Gillian Duxbury ( pic please) Valerie Leon Annette Andre and Lynda Carter. Sadly Alexandra Bastedo, Sharon in Champions, passed away. She was beautiful.
YAN Wigan: My favourite Women Louise English Gillian Duxbury ( pic please) Valerie Leon Annette Andre and Lynda Carter. Sadly Alexandra Bastedo, Sharon in Champions, passed away. She was beautiful.

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