Daily Star

It’s totally crackers to brand cheese as racist


Tree-hugger Alison Plaumer wants cheese to be removed from school menus as she claims that it is racist. Cheese is a major source of calcium, which we all need for strong bones, especially children. Yet another crackers idea from the woke wallies. Dave Pinfold

Can things get any more daft. Now Extinction Rebellion are saying serving cheese is Racist. This from a group of people who took a diesel generator on to London bridge when protesting against climate change. How much more stupid can these people get. Phalanx

Imagine a woke army, the enemy will shout gingerbrea­d man and man sized tissues and our wimpy flakes will melt and complain on their warrior keyboards. RR

For those complainin­g about childish tv presenters what do you expect, snowflakes have got television programmer­s/entertaine­rs running scared in case they are accused of any sort of ...ISM. David

putin is having a go at ukraine again with troops on the border and warships in the black sea so maybe we should stand up for a fellow democracy and give support to ukraine. Putin is a bully he has ordered poisonings on british soil resulting in innocent casualties. He thinks he can operate outside of internatio­nal law without any comeback – time to prove him wrong, can’t let another despot bully take more and more we were too slow with hitler. John challenger

Stupidity of owner re-locating should have guessed with a DUAL CARRIAGEWA­Y at your back door must have given them the FIRST clue! And, as usual, expect the Council, Freight Carriers, Police, car drivers, pedestrian­s and other road users give in to HER wishes. I hope her safety measures include erecting a barrier of trees/bushes or likewise, but brains of Britain would rather cause havoc within the Community than plant shrubs to deafen the road noise! Her mistake, let her suffer but probably not in silence! H G V Driver, and proud of it !!!!!!

that “brainbox” couple that bought the house 9 foot away from a duel carriagewa­y saying only viewed at weekends and hardly any traffic. THE ROAD WAS STILL THERE I TAKE IT! TETS

How stupid of jackie buying a house next to a duel carriagewa­y. You should visit houses on most days and nights to check the area before buying. Anon

Half of drivers after lockdown (WHEEL WORRIES ) find fears and anxieties have transferre­d to driving /scared of motorways. Motorways are the safest roads to drive on. Rural roads have 57% of fatalities /77% of accidents are within 15 miles of your home /worst time between 5pm and 6pm with 70% of accidents. Safest between 6am and 11.59am. Brian Linford

I don’t have a passport or driving licence. If covid certificat­es/ passports were issued as ‘official’ ID documents I would welcome it. Kathy Glos.

Re Publunch: Yes u can have a drink. Make sure u got sheepskin overcoat, sou wester, hot water bottle. Enjoy. Phil Leeds

Alan Carr plies himself with Gin to stop him from being bitten by Mosquitos on holiday. It’s the Mosquitos that need to be careful they don’t get bitten by him with those horrendous giant teeth of his. Tod

Alan Carr says mosquitos absolutely love him. Must be the only f***ers that do. TOM BOLA

the quinine to fight off the mozzies is found in the Tonic.


£728,000 for a pair of Kanye West’s trainers. I bet some soft tw * t will buy them. BILKO

If you say “Have a nice day.” that sounds like you’re being nice but if you say “Enjoy the next 24 hours.” that’s a threat. Duffy

Apparently, there is a woman dancing naked at her bedroomwin­dow, every night. Police are looking into it. i.k

 ??  ?? Actress GAL GADOT is very hot. How about a picture of her please. Thanks. Colin from kent
Actress GAL GADOT is very hot. How about a picture of her please. Thanks. Colin from kent

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