Daily Star

We must act now after Channel migrant horror


❑ At least 31 migrants drown when their dinghy capsizes in the English Channel. Will this tragedy act as a wake-up call to the French and British authoritie­s to take action against the peoplesmug­gling gangs before any more lives are lost? Dave Pinfold, Stockport

❑ Only a matter of time before there would be a tragedy in the channel. Macron and his mates should be done for murder. SE9 STEVE

❑ The French and British authoritie­s have blood on their hands as well as Priti Useless Patel for those migrants who lost their lives crossing the channel. How is it the BBC can film migrants getting into inflatable­s and the French and our country ignore it. Nastycol

❑ this channel tragedy was always going to happen its a disgrace french police just sit and watch. about bloody time all concerned use border control boats correctly anybody in a dinghy should be turned round back to france at least there safe on the beach. its all very sad and its france’s fault. carol hudds

❑ and yet another disaster 30 deaths i would hold france responsibl­e stop them at your side end of. ken sheffield 5

❑ If society ditches cash, it will leave thousands of elderly people who dont have the internet in serious trouble. How could they pay for gardeners etc? Dave Cornwall

❑ The prospect of a cashless society fills me with dread. I don’t have a smartphone, only have limited internet access and, having been a victim of card fraud, don’t particular­ly trust them. Oh, and before anyone calls me an old crusty, I’m only just into my fifties. teddie_pye

❑ we just had our first church fete since lockdown ended. fantastic turnout and money raised. all in cash. no cards or cheques. this would not happen if banks & gov. decided to scrap cash. schools, charities etc. would also suffer too as well as window cleaner, paper boy/girl who gets a tip at c’mas. do those making these decisions never do these things? loopy linda

❑ So labour MP Stella Creasy taking baby to house of commons chamber now an issue. The rules say no babies and she has the right to maternity leave and sort a baby sitter so whats problem, just trying it on as a labourite. Stockton jeff

❑ Re John Challenger­s text today, I showed it to my 2 Nieces who are nurses who have been in the front line during the Covid epidemic and still are. One who despite full protective equipment caught the Covid virus and still suffers with after affects today. If you had seen their worn out overworked, overstretc­hed bodies after shift after shift on the Covid wards then you would probly see things in a different light. God bless our NHS and all its staff for their dedication and sometimes little thanks. Tod

❑ The North South arguments cropping up again. I can assure you we’re no better off down here than up north. We’ve got more than our fair share of crime, killings, drugs, gangs, unemployme­nt, everything you complain about we’ve got big time. Just because we have London and Parliament doesn’t mean we’re all snooty and stuck up, we’re not Delboys either, out to con everyone, in fact we’re losing our identity fast. No, we’re the same as you good folk up North and just as p***ed off! Bob

❑ How many of you boris fans still think hes like churchill after that performanc­e at the cbi the other day.dd

❑ What if Nasa get the contact wrong and send the asteroid towards the earth? Grobbo

❑ Looking forward to the Charlatans gig tonight, live music is back baby!

 ?? Stuart P , Devon ?? ■
Jessica Alba still looking hot at 40. Any chance of a pic?
Stuart P , Devon ■ Jessica Alba still looking hot at 40. Any chance of a pic?

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