Daily Star

The internet is killing off way we live


❑ Elvis, I couldn’t agree more, the internet has killed off so many physical social things I could write a book. Even things like a nice Sunday stroll around a car boot is dying because people sell online, banks are becoming a thing of the past, public phone boxes, high street stores, even streaming has killed the way we buy music. It’s endless, but what happens when this all goes t*ts up one day? Paul Hawkwind

❑ I thought vets cared about pets, ie: prevent animals from suffering. Clearly I was wrong, judging by my experience this week. My cat, hit by a car, was found soaking wet from heavy rain, gasping & choking, unable to move due to her injuries. I called a total of 4 vets, all supposedly offering emergency treatment. 2 of them were within 15 min walking time from my home. I was told i’d have to take the cat to surgeries in other towns – miles away! So no vets were ‘on call’ thn. It made no difference, when I explained i had no transport means – eg: no buses anyway, after 8pm. I had to sit with my cat & watch her life ebb away, as she suffered agonising pain. UTTER DISGRACE! Newmarket cat lover

❑ With all due respect to John Challenger and Trees the problems of crime in all its forms on our streets is nothing to do with religion. It’s all down to us having a police force that doesn’t want to get out of their car and patrol the street. They are far happier doing motorists than catching drug dealers and violent gangsters. Macduff

❑ Cockney Rebel said street cleaners had to clean up after the extra bank holiday. Who’s he kidding? Everyone north of the Watford gap knows that street cleaners are mythical beings like unicorns and vampires and the Loch Ness monster. People tell me they’ve seen street cleaners when they were children, but I think they’re pulling my leg. Why? Just look at our streets, parks, grass verges etc. Bet all the people on the bank holiday carried the litter to the event but were unable to carry it back home afterwards. Priss Tina Streets

❑ We have not been official members of the EU for 3.5 years – so why cannot our prime minister ditch their rules at the stroke of a pen? If they are no longer relevant, what is the point of them? I am not interested in what far-left, woke politician­s and non-elected members of the Lords think. Perhaps the Remainers in society believe these will be useful when a Labour or a Lib/ Lab coalition can surreptiti­ously forge a closer – or even rejoin the bloc. Our country requires a PM who is brave, bloody-minded and prepared to lead. If he cannot do this – he should resign and move over for someone who will. Jim Sokol

❑ Instead of picking and choosing which euro laws we keep throw them all out then pick which ones people want back in, it’s as simple as that, THROW THE LOT OUT that’s what we voted OUT for. mettyesh Durham

❑ Does the government not realise people who retire in their 50s do so because they can afford to. Why would anyone want to work until they are 67 (soon to be 68) if they don’t have to. Unfortunat­ely I will have to be grafting until 67 but at least I know my taxes are being well spent on hotels and floating barges for people who have never contribute­d a single penny to the country. Cumbrian Kev

❑ BANK of ENGLAND interest rate up again 0.25% to counter ‘stubborn’ inflation blaming the war. In January the Governor ANDREW BAILEY forecast it could be a ‘rapid fall’ Rishi Sunak / Jeremy Hunt ‘halving it’ this yr seems implausibl­e. Inflation has remained above 10% for eight of the last nine months. Brian Linford Pontefract

❑ Anona A Mouse: Yuri Gagarin actually orbited the Earth not the moon in Vostok 1 in 1961 he did one circuit of the Earth ...

 ?? Mark. N.ireland ?? any chance u could print a pic of the gorgeous Kimberley Walsh.
Mark. N.ireland any chance u could print a pic of the gorgeous Kimberley Walsh.

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