
Air apparent


I’ve read about various devices which purport to speed up the time it takes to aerate young wines. Do any of these really work and which, if any, would you recommend? Philip Spencer, Edinburgh Ronan Sayburn MS, head of wine at 67 Pall Mall, replies: There are several ‘aerator’ style devices that don’t make much difference. One I think does is iFavine, which micro-oxygenates the wine by bubbling oxygen, scrubbed from the air, through the base of a decanter. It is very expensive but does work. But the easiest and cheapest way to aerate wine quickly is to pour the wine into a decanter through a funnel. Don’t worry about creating bubbles on the surface of the wine, this is just getting air into it. Funnel back and forth between bottle and decanter several times for extra aeration.

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