Derby Telegraph

Socially distanced show goes on at the circus big top


THROUGHOUT lockdown, entertainm­ent life as we know it came to a complete standstill, but at Gandey’s Circus the show is going on.

The big top has made its way to Derby directly from Butlin’s, where it has been in action since July after becoming the first show to reopen post-lockdown.

To make its shows safe, the Gandey’s team have formulated new measures to ensure audiences are kept safe and allow the show to go on despite the pandemic.

Until Monday, Gandey’s Circus will be putting on its show at Bass’s Recreation Ground in Derby with some new measures in place.

Seating capacity in the big top has been reduced from 1,000 to 400 so viewers can maintain at least one metre of social distancing space.

Gandey’s has been classed as an outdoor event, which means it has been permitted to open ahead of other venues.

All artists have been isolated in their own pod to enable them to perform without social distancing and there will be no interactio­n between performers and the audience.

The venue is cleaned after each performanc­e and hand sanitisers will be available throughout the big top and foyer, as well as temperatur­e checks on arrival.

Unlike standard venues across the country, Gandey’s has been able to adapt one-way systems throughout the big top and foyer, on top of providing multiple exits for guests and individual socially-distanced toilets.

This week’s show features an internatio­nal cast of circus artists performing death-defying acts and West-End style-theatrical production numbers in more than 200 different costumes.

The show will take audiences on a journey from Victorian England through the USA, South America, Bollywood and Africa in the space of two hours. The Day of the Dead finale features a laser light show which the circus has said will make it the “biggest and most exciting show” yet.

Gandey’s has advised people to book tickets in advance and the box office is open on-site from 9.30am to 8pm every day.

 ??  ?? Gandey’s Circus is at Bass’s Recreation Ground until Monday
Gandey’s Circus is at Bass’s Recreation Ground until Monday

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