Derby Telegraph

Richard spices up life for thousands during lockdown


A DERBY man has gained a huge following after posting curry cooking classes on social media.

Richard Brown, of Shelton Lock, has been cooking Indian food for more than 25 years, enjoying dishes such as vegetarian curry and chicken bhuna masala.

It was during the second Covid lockdown last year that he decided to create a Facebook page to share his recipe ideas and cooking tips. Now he has gathered an audience of thousands.

The 50-year-old admitted he never expected his social media page, The Curry Secret, to take off as quickly as it did.

He said: “It started with me taking pictures of some of the dishes I cooked up and getting a few comments, then just built from there.

“After some positive feedback, I thought, ‘Why not create a group to try and teach people how to cook curries?’ By the end of the first month I had around 5,000 members. I receive so many lovely messages from people saying I’ve helped them get into cooking.

“Now we have loads of people sharing their recipes and ideas in the group, we’ve become this big community with something special in common.”

Since starting The Curry Secret – named after the first Indian cookbook he ever bought – Richard has branched out with the type of content he creates.

He now hosts regular live events on Facebook, where he takes audiences through the step-by-step cooking process for some of his favourite meals. These attract thousands of viewers and plenty of praise for his work.

For Richard, the positivity of his community has become incredibly important, with the pandemic proving difficult for both himself and wider society.

After lockdown created challenges for his caravan firm, cooking food became a source of escapism for himself, and a source of joy for others.

Richard said: “It’s really essential to do things you enjoy, especially at times like this. I’ve had quite a lot of people tell me I’m helping them through periods of isolation, and that’s such a great motivation to keep going with it.

“I think it’s just great to take your mind off things. When you’re cooking, all your worries can disappear. It’s a chance to just focus on something joyful.”

While curry is Richard’s passion, he has not ruled out experiment­ing with different foods in the future. He has asked people to get in touch with their own ideas, and he is keen to branch out to new pastures.

He said: “I mainly cook curry because I just love spicy food. I go to India for two weeks every year and just try so many amazing dishes, but I’m open to any suggestion­s, it’s always exciting to find out what people enjoy making and try new things. If people have ideas they can just join the group and let us know. It’s always great to hear from people.”

 ??  ?? Richard Brown and some of his curry ideas
Richard Brown and some of his curry ideas

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