Derby Telegraph

This lockdown is proving harder as I wait to have that vital jab


HARDLY two weeks of this latest lockdown have passed and I have to admit I am finding it a struggle. The first period of restrictio­ns, in the spring of 2020, I was proud to write in this column that I soon came to terms with it. This was despite the fact that I was considered at risk and my confinemen­t was for the complete 21 weeks!

I am not sure why I am finding this version harder. Aside from that, hearing the news last week started to panic me when they claimed the NHS was getting close to collapse.

I know the hospitals are having to concentrat­e solely on those patients suffering Covid – but just what does it mean for these patients if the NHS reaches a point where it can only treat some of them?

I do also worry about what will happen to cancer patients who cannot now be treated.

Up until now I have reacted to the current constraint­s on me by simply not going out of the house. Given the very cold weather, I have even resisted going out into the garden. I am sure a brisk walk would do me some good, but despite a reasonable sized garden, there is not enough room to generate a decent pace. I end up getting cold pretty quickly and retreating to the comfort of the house. Sadly, that just adds to the boredom as I seek to find something of interest on the television.

I am not keen on films, and the vast majority of the programmes that would have interested me are now nearly all repeats. I do wish I liked quiz shows… they would have possibly kept my brain active for a while each day!

I have now become addicted to the news channels. Alongside the various updates on the Covid problems, I have to admit I was totally shocked by the chaos that has enveloped Washington DC as Trump nears the end of his presidency. I assume there will be some in Britain who consider he has done a good job but I do hope they feel like using the letters page to share their thoughts with me on what he has done to justify their appreciati­on. My hope is that Joe Biden manages to take up his first 100 days in office without any more displays that suggest America is sinking into activities that are quite a disgrace to a first world country.

If such things happen in the UK in future, I guess it is time for me to consider leaving my country of birth for a more civilised and serene place.

The other shocking news item that caught my attention was the £200 fines given to a couple of ladies who travelled independen­tly from Ashby to Foremark to take some exercise.

They had not broken any law, but it appeared to have offended the guidance to stay local for their exercise.

My abode is about the same distance from Calke Abbey, where I took my exercise during the restrictio­ns last spring.

Maybe I cannot do this any more unless I want to risk a fine, though the ladies have apparently had theirs rescinded after the outcry.

Perhaps I will need to play it safe and stay at home until I get my call to attend for my first injection.

Apparently I might get invited to attend a large clinic in Birmingham or Manchester for my jab.

Sadly, I am not sure how I could get there, so I will wait until they find me somewhere that I can walk to without getting a fine!

Apparently I might get invited to attend a large clinic in Birmingham. Sadly, I am not sure how I could get there.

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 ?? Vaccine ?? Foremark, where Codger often walked in the first lockdown and, inset, the Covid
Vaccine Foremark, where Codger often walked in the first lockdown and, inset, the Covid

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