Derby Telegraph


Women’s safety

- Richard Brewin

The last few weeks and the news has been filled

With the tragic story of a young woman killed.

And now all the talk is about keeping women from harm.

And having them carry rape alarms. Or even a can of pepper spray.

To keep any would-be attackers at bay.

But the big question is why should women have to.

To carry on doing the things that they do.

Going out and seeing their mates. And coming home when it’s late. Why shouldn’t they walk home when it’s dark.

Or feel safe enough to run through the park.

Why shouldn’t they wear Lycra gym gear.

Because no one should have to live their life in fear.

And no one should be attacked in this day and age.

The fact it still happens makes us all rage.

Men and women should be treated the same.

Surely that should be everyone’s aim. That’s the world I want my children to see.

And to educate them this way I believe is key.

We should all be able to live our life in peace.

And attacks on women need to cease.

A little love

Viv Wigley

Unlike the pond life living here you’re the one I hold most dear. knowing you’re mine makes me the glad one,

I’d give you my heart if only I had one. A nucleus is all I’ve got trapped in a body like a pool of snot. Though my looks won’t cause surprise as neither of us have been blessed with eyes.

I treasure your touch, and that’s not sarcasm there’s nothing like the feel of ectoplasm.

I’m Solomon, you’re my Queen of Sheba for me you’ll always be my darling amoeba. Graceful and slender, a bit of a goer, one mighty fine super-slime protozoa.

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