East Kilbride News

Risks of climate change


Dear Editor

The UK Climate Change Risk Assessment 2017 is a lengthy publicatio­n and if its prediction­s are accurate, the UK in the 33 years until 2050 will suffer badly from the effects of climate change.

Summer temperatur­es will rise as high as 48 degrees, with presumably similar extremes in winter. Water will be in short supply in certain areas, but also flooding as a result of heavy rainfall. The national mortality rate will increase due to the extreme heat.

The UK cannot produce enough food to feed its present population and imports considerab­ly.

The nations from whom we import are as likely to be as badly affected by climate change as the UK.

The existing agricultur­al land currently in use will by 2050 be reduced by two-thirds and what remains will be mainly in England and Wales.

Scotland could have the greater amount of water of course.

During World War II, every possible scrap of land was given over to growing food. Some may remember the slogans, “Dig for Victory” and “Backs to the Land”. Strict food rationing was in force. This situation could arise again.

During the years between now and 2050, each and every local authority in the UK will have to consider whether or not land within their boundaries is suitable for housing the population or feeding it. It may not be possible to do both.

Joe Allan Westwood

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