East Kilbride News

Strathaven turned into dumping ground again


- Mark Pirie

Strathaven residents have been left fuming after flytippers abandoned golf carts and kids toys in the countrysid­e.

The mess left on Lethame Road near a popular dog-walking route was the latest area around the town to be targeted by dumpers.

Margaret Cutting spotted the mess and reported it to South Lanarkshir­e Council, as well as the ‘Dumb Dumpers’ group.

She spotted all kinds of debris – including chutes, wood blocks and golf equipment.

She added: “It was gale-force winds that night so if the council didn’t come to collect it then it would be blown everywhere!”

This is the latest area of the town to be targeted, with a huge pile of bricks abandoned at the side of Muirkirk Road last year, and the grounds of the Castle Tavern being used as a dumping ground.

Clydesdale MSP Aileen Campbell slammed the recent spate of fly-tipping.

She said: “Fly-tipping is damaging to the local landscape and an eyesore for residents. There is no excuse for this at all.

“There is an entitlemen­t to one free bulk uplift a year.

“If we want to protect the beautiful environmen­t we have, then we need to do what we can to treat it with respect – that requires us all individual­ly and collective­ly understand­ing that our actions matter and that litter is never acceptable.”

A spokespers­on for South Lanarskhir­e Council told the News that they looked at the reported area but the rubbish had been cleared away.

They advised anyone who spots fly-tipping to report it to their environmen­tal services department or ‘Dumb Dumpers’.

Environmen­tal services can issue fixed-penalty fines of £200 and report offenders to the procurator fiscal who may take further action.

 ??  ?? Reported Some of the items left by the side of Lethame Road on the outskirts of Strathaven
Reported Some of the items left by the side of Lethame Road on the outskirts of Strathaven

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