East Kilbride News


Rotary Club are sad to say goodbye to Stewartfie­ld Farm venue

- Ray Porrelli

It was a lunch meeting with mixed feelings in the Stewartfie­ld Farm recently for East Kilbride Rotary Club.

Sadness due to the end of eight happy years of lunch meetings at the Farm where, during that time, we went from customers to friends of landlord Stephen Marmion, his wife Mhairi and all the staff.

Many of our past Rotarian members, East Kilbride Speakers Club members and friends came along to this last lunch meeting.

Invited to the lunch meeting were the two winning high-school teams from our recent local Rotary youth speaks competitio­n.

All three high schools took part in the local intermedia­te and senior events; both being won by St Andrew’s and St Bride’s.

The intermedia­te team of Katie Hunter, Erin Seils and Sandra Santosh talked about their addiction to electronic devices, apps, Instagram etc – and Granny Annie’s advice that these things would fry your brains.

The senior team’s topic of ‘Kids should rule the world’, delivered by Emma Graham, Issabella Drennan and Cara McManus, left no doubt they could rule the world, concluding with the remark Nicola and Donald beware and the world should stop bombing bridges and start building bridges.

The intermedia­te team have won through from Rotary district to the regional finals but the seniors will not know their outcome until the district senior competitio­n this month. Both teams were coached and prepared by teachers Jackie Nelson, Michael Wilkie and Louise Dickson.

Before closing the last meeting at the Stewartfie­ld Farm, Rotarian Liam Donnelly presented Stephen with an engraved glass plaque, thanking him and his staff for being superb hosts, looking after the members and their guests and taking part in many of the fundraisin­g events organised by the Rotarians.

He ended by giving Stephen and the staff the club’s best wishes for the future.

It was sad to leave the Stewartfie­ld Farm, which has now closed, but enjoyable to meet old friends and welcome the school to the club.

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 ??  ?? Thanks for everything Stewartfie­ld Farm boss Stephen Marmion, centre, receives a special glass plaque from the club Top of the class Rotary Club vice-president Leslie Irvine with pupils from St Andrew’s and St Bride’s High School
Thanks for everything Stewartfie­ld Farm boss Stephen Marmion, centre, receives a special glass plaque from the club Top of the class Rotary Club vice-president Leslie Irvine with pupils from St Andrew’s and St Bride’s High School
 ??  ?? Farewell lunch East Kilbride Rotary Club members with pub boss Stephen Marmion at the Stewartfie­ld Farm
Farewell lunch East Kilbride Rotary Club members with pub boss Stephen Marmion at the Stewartfie­ld Farm

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