East Kilbride News

Is social media bad for children’s health?

News readers have their say on big issue

- Andrea Lambrou

Do the youth of today spend too much time on computers and mobile phones scouring social media?

Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram are a big part of life for kids these days. But, with all the fun of photo filters and Snapchat streaks, comes increasing pressures to look a certain way and keep up with the latest trends.

The News asked East Kilbride shoppers if they think social media is harmful to kids’ health.

Stephen Wang, 16, told the News striking a balance is the healthy way. He said: “There is a division of people at school – those who know when to limit their time on social media and the people who panic if they can’t keep their Snapchat streaks going. I know my limits.”

Chris Southworth, 25, from Westwood said: “Social media is dangerous. Instead of going out and playing kids are in the house all the time – it’s not healthy. They need to be more aware of the dangers online.”

Guy Cowan, 18, of Hairmyres said: “People younger than 14 are going on Facebook and talking to people much older than them which can have a really bad outcome. It’s very harmful.”

Stewartfie­ld couple Gerry and Linda Quinn, had differing views. Gerry, 61, said: “I’m a dinosaur so I think social media should be banned. We’ve lost the art of conversati­on.”

While Linda, 62, insisted: “It’s educationa­l so it’s a good thing. Kids can speak to other kids across the world and learn things.”

People panic if they can’t keep their Snapchat streaks going...I know my limits. Stephen Wang

 ??  ?? Know your limits Stephen Wang
Know your limits Stephen Wang
 ??  ?? Dangerous Chris Southworth
Dangerous Chris Southworth
 ??  ?? Split opinion Gerry and Linda Quinn
Split opinion Gerry and Linda Quinn
 ??  ?? Harmful Guy Cowan
Harmful Guy Cowan

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