East Kilbride News

Man jailed for having knife at homeless unit

Incident threatened to spill over into full scale rammy



A man blamed for stealing a mobile phone threatened his three accusers with a knife.

The disturbanc­e happened at the Lindsay House homeless accommodat­ion in East Kilbride, Hamilton Sheriff Court heard on Friday.

Brian Galloway, 30, a prisoner, was jailed for a year when he admitted shouting abuse while in possession of a blade on July 4.

Jennifer Guy, prosecutin­g, said

Galloway was in the main foyer about 10.45pm when three men arrived and started shouting at him.

They were demanding the return of a phone. An argument ensued and continued outside.

Ms Guy told the court: “The accused buzzed to get back in and the argument continued.

“The accused was telling the men not to call him a robber. He then reached into his waistband and produced a large knife.

“He presented this in the direction of the three men who made off. Police officers attended and the knife was recovered from a flower bed.

“When charged, Galloway told officers, ‘they started it. I was in fear of my life’.”

Defence agent Mary Anne McGranagha­n said Galloway “took exception” to being accused of theft.

She told the court: “He was heavily under the influence of alcohol and appreciate­s his behaviour was completely disproport­ionate and unacceptab­le.

“He has long-standing issues with alcohol and drugs.”

Sheriff Thomas Millar was shown the knife and remarked that it was “quite a weapon”.

He told Galloway, who admitted previous conviction­s, that he would have been jailed for 16 months but for his guilty plea.

The sentence was backdated to July 5 and the sheriff added: “I hope this gives you time to deal with issues and that you are more able to cope with things when you are released.”

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