East Kilbride News

Paw is ripped open by louts’ broken glass



A dog owner whose beloved family pet slashed her paw open on broken glass is calling for urgent action to clean up the path where it happened.

Dad-of-two Richie Caldwell, who posted pictures of his pet’s injuries on social media to warn others, had to rush threeyear-old French bulldog, Doris, to the vets this week when she sustained the painful injury on an evening walk.

The large gash needed stitches and Richie believes the path is a hazard to animals and children alike as inconsider­ate louts are smashing glass bottles on the ground.

He also called on South Lanarkshir­e Council to up their street cleaning of the area.

Richie, who was hit with a £300 vets bill, told the News: “The state of the path is absolutely disgracefu­l there is no other way to describe it. Broken glass and rubbish everywhere.

“Doris has already cut herself once before but nowhere near as bad as this.

“We had been out our usual evening walk and her paw was a real mess.

“People just have no considerat­ion - they hang about the underpass drinking and toss bottles on the ground instead of putting them in a bin.

“Doris was sore but will recover. Our worry is that it could happen again - if not to us to someone else.”

Richie also wants to see the area cleaned more regularly.

“The council come and have a blitz when you are constantly on at them, then it’s forgotten about.

“The glass and rubbish is not only a danger to animals but children too and the council really need to up their game.”

And East Kilbride Central North councillor Joe Fagan has slammed the “inconsider­ate” boozers who toss bottles on the ground.

He said: “The underpass at Highfield Place and the area around it has been a focal point for street drinking and anti-social behaviour for some time now.

“The council’s sweepers and community wardens have been giving the area extra attention but there is still an anti-social element who think nothing of leaving broken glass and smashed bottles lying in a public area. It’s inconsider­ate, it’s dangerous and it’s intimidati­ng for people too.

“The council holds regular hub meetings with the Police and other agencies and I have asked for Highfield Place to be raised at the next meeting so that deterrence of antisocial behaviour and policing of the area can be improved.”

Chair of East Mains Community Council, Bill Arthur, said: “The state of the paths in this area has been brought to our attention a number of times over the years and there have been several pet owners whose animals have been injured. It may well be time for the council to look at cleaning the area more regularly.

“Sadly, the Highfield Place underpass as well as the nearby old railway solemn have been used as a drinking den and as well as broken glass antisocial behaviour has been a concern.

“Police did increase patrols in the area for a time and are also aware of the issues.”

The council’s head of facilities, Alistair McKinnon, said: “We have been contacted on two occasions this year regarding broken glass and both times this was satisfacto­rily dealt with.

“The underpass is a known problem area and is mechanical­ly swept on a regular basis and at least twice per week including weekends.”

 ??  ?? Richie with Doris at the site where she was injured
Richie with Doris at the site where she was injured
 ??  ?? Poor pup The cut to Doris’ paw could have been worse
Poor pup The cut to Doris’ paw could have been worse

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