East Lothian Courier

Sponsors want to give back to the community

Appeal – your help could make a big difference


AS FOODBANKS and food initiative­s across East Lothian are asking our readers to offer any support they can, big-hearted county businesses have stepped up to offer their support and do their part for the cause.

The four sponsors of the Courier’s foodbank appeal have decided to give back to the community for their custom over the years – and each of them have a desire to help in any way they can.

Tranent-based business AC’S Taxis, Minibuses & Coaches; Forth Blinds, based in Prestonpan­s; Wallyford motoring business Belmont Group; and EDF Energy, which runs Torness Power Station near Dunbar, have all kindly stepped up to sponsor the appeal.

Each sponsor has recognised the need for support for the most vulnerable in our community.

Robert Campbell Jnr, partner at AC’S Taxis, Minibuses & Coaches, said: “We always try to give back a bit to the community, sponsoring a lot of the local groups and initiative­s, including Tranent FC and Chris Ewing Karate.

“This was another opportunit­y to do so and we are delighted to be involved.

“Foodbanks have been appearing a lot more now, a sign of how the world is at the moment, and we know they need help.

“Anything we can do to promote that support is something we want to do.”

Philip O’brien, director of Forth Blinds, said that hearing there was still a need for foodbanks in East Lothian was “disgracefu­l”.

He said: “We want to do what we can to help the local community when we can.

“The fact that in 2024 we are still seeing people need to use a foodbank is shocking. It’s disgracefu­l.

“I know the demand is high and it is sad to see people suffering in this way.

“I’m glad we can be involved and do our bit to help.”

Duncan Cunningham, operations director at Belmont Group (Wallyford), described getting behind the campaign as “the right thing to do” and they were “happy to get involved”.

He said: “The past few years, we have focused quite a lot on local support groups and charities.

“It has been a really worthwhile thing to do. It gets the staff involved and is a good fit with our company ethic.

“It is good to see people getting behind it.”

Ashleigh Dickson, Torness communicat­ion and community lead, said: “Times continue to be tough for people across the country and foodbanks need donations now as much as they ever have.

“I am glad Torness Power Station has been able to support this initiative, which will help Dunbar Foodshare to keep putting food on the tables of people in East Lothian who are struggling.”

 ?? ?? From left: Ashleigh Dickson of EDF Energy; Danielle Moffat of Belmont; Elaine Morrison of East Lothian Foodbank; and Phil O’brien and Sharon Thomson, of Forth Blinds, at the foodbank in Tranent. Image: Gordon Bell
From left: Ashleigh Dickson of EDF Energy; Danielle Moffat of Belmont; Elaine Morrison of East Lothian Foodbank; and Phil O’brien and Sharon Thomson, of Forth Blinds, at the foodbank in Tranent. Image: Gordon Bell
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