Eastern Eye (UK)

Peach salsa


n redients large peaches not too ripe tomatoes – jalape o chillies or any chilli of your choice – banana shallots or large red onion tbsp of coriander juice of lemon salt pepper sugar ethod In a saucepan, bring enough water to submerge the peaches to boil. Also keep a bowl of ice cold water ready nearby. Once the water is boiling, turn off the heat and place the peaches carefully into the hot water for about seconds. Remove them with a slotted spoon and plunge them into the iced water. Rub off the skin of the peaches and cut into small cubes removing the stone. Chop the tomatoes, chillies and banana shallots and mix together all the ingredient­s. Taste seasoning and adjust to your taste. Serve as an accompanim­ent.

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