Easy Cook

Hyderabadi qabooli biryani

This uses plant-based dairy to make it suitable for vegans, so swap for butter and dairy yogurt if you’re not vegan.


Serves 6 Prep 30 mins plus resting Cook 1 hr

200g chana dal (split dried chickpeas), soaked for 2 hrs in plenty of cold water 2 tsp ground turmeric 4 tbsp vegetable oil 2-3 medium onions, thinly sliced 5 garlic cloves, crushed 3cm piece of ginger finely grated ½ tsp kashmiri chilli powder or mild chilli powder 2 heaped tbsp dairy-free yogurt 2 tbsp dairy-free spread, melted good pinch of saffron, soaked in 2 tbsp of just-boiled water 1 tbsp each chopped mint and chopped coriander 2 bird’s-eye green chillies, cut lengthwise 1 tsp garam masala 2 tsp rose water (optional) 3cm piece of ginger, cut into slivers lemon wedges, raita and a tomato and red onion salad, to serve


450g basmati rice 4 pods green cardamom 3 bay leaves 4 cloves

1 Simmer the chana dal in a large pan with 1 tsp of the turmeric and 900ml of water for 30 mins. It should be completely cooked but still holding its shape. Drain, reserving 150ml of the liquid.

2 Meanwhile, heat the oil in a frying pan and cook the onions for 25-30 mins or until really softened and turning golden brown. Take out half the onions and reserve for later, and add the garlic and ginger to the pan with the rest of the turmeric and the chilli powder, and fry for a few seconds, then add the yogurt a little at a time. Continue to stir for a minute, then add the cooked chana dal along with the reserved cooking liquid and simmer for a couple of minutes. Turn the heat off and set aside.

3 To cook the rice, put the basmati in a large pan with 1 litre of water and all the spices. Bring to a boil, season and cook for 10 mins. Drain the rice and then set it aside.

4 Heat the oven to 200C/180C fan/ gas 6. Start layering the biryani in a deep 23-24cm casserole dish.

Begin with 1/2 tsp of the melted dairy-free spread at the bottom, then add a third of the basmati. Sprinkle over a little saffron water, mint, coriander, 1 chilli, the garam masala, rose water (if using) and ginger slivers. Add half the chana dal mix and top with half the fried onions. Repeat the layering.

5 Finish by adding the remaining rice, any leftover mint or coriander and any leftover spread. Cover the casserole dish with a double sheet of baking parchment and put a tight-fitting lid over it. Put the pan in the oven and cook for 25 mins. Turn the oven off and leave to rest inside for 10 mins. Take the pan straight to the table, open the lid and remove the baking parchment to release the aromas. Serve on a platter with lemon wedges, raita and a tomato and red onion salad.

PER SERVING 605 kcals, fat 13g, saturates 2g, carbs 76g, sugars 6g, fibre ng, protein 16g, salt 0.1g

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