Empire (UK)


Natalie Dormer


This month: Natalie Dormer, aka Game Of Thrones’ Margaery Tyrell. Joffrey was her favourite. Now she prefers Bungle.


Who were you in your first school play? Peter Pan, at the Hill Primary School in Caversham. They put me in very green, tight tights and the cap with the feather in it and I danced around a lot, spinning around the gym. Born to never grow up.

Do people ever quote your dialogue back at you? People like the line, “I want to be the Queen” (from Game Of Thrones). I do get that one, but not as much as you’d think. I was asked a lot whether I killed Joffrey a couple of years ago and everyone’s favourite question now is whether Jon Snow is dead.

What’s your answer? I’m like, “Come on, guys, you only have to wait until April.”

What scares you? I’m afraid of cliff faces. Sheer drops off a cliff. Think Beachy Head in Sussex. That scares me.

So, heights? Very specifical­ly heights without any kind of railing there. I’m weirdly okay if there’s a barrier. You’d think that having done The Forest I’d be a bit wary of trees, but I love trees. I’m a Kew Gardens member, and I have been known to hug a tree in the past.

How much is a pint of milk? I’m guessing it’s around 50p. I don’t drink a lot of milk. I’m one of those wanky actors that only drinks almond milk.

On a scale of one to ten, how famous are you? I know that Maggie Gyllenhaal said four for this and she’s much more famous than me. I think she’s a seven or an eight, and I think I’m a five or a six.

What would you do if you woke up tomorrow and found you were Bruce Willis? I’d rub my naked head. I shaved my head for The Hunger Games, and I miss the calming sensation of rubbing the stubble on the side of my head.

What’s your favourite word in the English language? I have lots. I love language, being an actor. I’m attached to the word “because”.

Because? Because I taught my little brother to spell it. And, if you think about it in acting, drama is something happening because of something else happening. It’s cause and effect. Acting is reacting because because because.

What’s your nickname? I’ve had a few. When I was younger, I was called Trouble in my family. I had friends at drama school who called me Sparky. I’m ND, I’m Nat, I’m Dormer... Gwendoline Christie calls me Dorms.

The Beatles or the Rolling Stones? I reject your premise.

Sorry, you have to choose. Them’s the rules. Oh God! Probably the Stones, but you’re torturing me. You’re asking me to reject songs like Blackbird. You’re basically asking me to tear out my heart. Thank you!

What would be the title of your autobiogra­phy? I have a tattoo on my arm which says, “Fear is the mindkiller”, from the Frank Herbert novel Dune. Everything I do, I do to challenge myself, so I can grow. So Fear Is The Mind-killer, as it’s written on my skin.


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