Empire (UK)

Big films tackled by little people



Did you like the movie? Yes, I loved it. It had the best intro ever. It was funny and every film should have a cartoon at the beginning.

What was the story about? It was about American high school. Sandy and Danny fell in love when they could be themselves, but then at school Danny made every mistake possible by being a silly billy.

Who was your favourite character? I’ve got two. Sandy and Rizzo. Sandy is very sweet and kind, and then shocking at the end. Rizzo is very cheeky and very naughty, too.

Did you prefer The T-birds or The Pink Ladies? I thought the boys’ gang was a bit stupid. To say “hello” the boys would just punch each other! What’s that about? I think the boys putting on a big act was the real problem in the film.

Which parts made you laugh? The bit where Rizzo made fun of Sandy. That was funny.

Favourite songs? I liked the one where Rizzo says she could do worse things. She’s a tough person, but she’s good at heart.

Should Danny have changed for Sandy or Sandy changed for Danny? I would have preferred it if Danny had changed for Sandy. Sandy was always being her true self around him, but he was always putting on a tough-guy act.

What did you think of the flying car? I thought that was cool. Imagine being picked up from school in a flying car!

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