Empire (UK)

Good Will Hunting



Reinaldo Marcus Green: “‘It’s not your fault.’ I cry every time. It just rips your heart out. To have someone care about you on that level, it’s rare to have, because we’re constantly our own worst enemy, we’re constantly rejecting ourselves. Man, my heart — even talking about it, I get emotional because it’s such a powerful scene. So kudos to Gus Van Sant, and Matt Damon, and Robin Williams in that scene.”


Will Hunting (Matt Damon) is visiting his therapist, Sean Maguire (Robin Williams), for the final time. Sean is holding a folder with Will’s evaluation; the report that will decide his future. Will has just asked Sean if he has had any “experience with that”. Meaning childhood abuse.

Sean: My father was an alcoholic. Mean fuckin’ drunk. He’d come home hammered, lookin’ to whale on somebody. So I’d provoke him so he wouldn’t go after my mother and little brother. Interestin­g nights were when he wore his rings.

Will: [Opening up] Yeah, he used to just put a, um, a wrench, a stick and a belt on the table, and just say, “Choose.”

Sean: “Well, I gotta go with the belt there, Vanna.”

Will: I used to go with the wrench.

Sean: Why the wrench?

Will: ’Cause fuck him, that’s why.

Sean: Your foster father?

Will: Yeah. [Beat] So, uh, you know, what is it… like, “Will has an attachment disorder”? Is it all that stuff? [Sean nods] Fear of abandonmen­t. Is that why I… Is that why I broke up with Skylar?

Sean: I didn’t know you had.

Will: Yeah, I did.

Sean: You wanna talk about it?

Will: No.

Sean: [Moving towards Will] Hey, Will… I don’t know a lot. But you see this? All this shit.

[He puts the folder down on a table] It’s not your fault.

Will: [Almost a whisper] Yeah, I know that.

Sean: Look at me, son. It’s not your fault.

Will: I know.

Sean: It’s not your fault.

Will: [Suddenly looking a bit scared] I know.

Sean: No, no, you don’t. It’s not your fault.

He moves closer. Will backs up, uncomforta­ble.

Will: I know.

Sean: It’s not your fault.

Will: Alright.

Sean: It’s not your fault. [He moves closer. Will can’t look at him] It’s not your fault.

Will: [Crying] Don’t fuck with me.

Sean: It’s not your fault.

Will lashes out at Sean, pushing him back.

Will: Don’t fuck with me, alright? Don’t fuck with me, Sean. Not you!

Sean won’t back down. He moves back in again.

Sean: It’s not your fault.

Will starts sobbing. Sean holds the back of his head, and whispers one last time.

Sean: It’s not your fault.

Will breaks down, and holds Sean as he sobs.

Will: Oh, God! Oh, God, I’m so sorry! Oh, God!

The camera pulls back as Sean and Will continue to embrace.

Sean: Fuck them, okay?

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