Esquire (UK)

Feet first

Boss’s new made-to-measure shoes mean you won’t feel the pinch


Got toes like a 12th century Chinese princess? Walk around in a state of permanent foot-related pain? Never owned a pair of shoes that actually fit? You’re not alone. A 2014 survey revealed more than 33 per cent of UK men regularly buy shoes that don’t fit them properly. It means some 10.6m British blokes are currently limping around in crushed-foot agony. The solution? A pair of made-to-measure shoes by Boss. Though not the first label to offer made-to-order footwear, the new Boss service is both reasonable and innovative. First, your foot is mapped by a 3D scanner (both feet are fully measured in 20 seconds). Next, the measuremen­ts go to the label’s factory in Le Marche (the region of Italy famous for shoes; Tod’s and Hogan make their loafers, drivers and trainers there), where the shoemaker creates perfect brogues, oxfords or derbies to match your exact specificat­ions. For a final flourish, the calfskin upper of each Goodyear-welted shoe is handfinish­ed with multiple layers of polish giving the perfect patina. From £895;

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