Evening Standard

James Ashton The Tories must just stick to their promises and run the economy

With his new mandate, the Chancellor is now talking about surpluses not deficits. Such grand visions are premature

- @mrjamesash­ton

THERE was so much on the agenda at last night’s Mansion House bankers’ dinner that it is a wonder the 350 diners had time to lift their knives and forks. A further crackdown on white-collar crime, the loss-making sale of the Government’s stake in Royal Bank of Scotland, the bit about Britain being “the best place for European and global bank HQs” which earned HSBC chairman Douglas Flint a knowing smile from Lloyds boss António Horta-Osório.

But as George Osborne took to his feet in the packed Egyptian Hall, the main event was not simply about balancing regulation and taxation so that London’s financial services industry can be allowed to thrive. A month after a famous election victory handed the Chancellor a fresh mandate, those who tucked into tartare of tuna and cannon of lamb were keen to hear what he was going to do with it.

Osborne thinks he knows. Why not, after rescuing Britain from the brink, do his bit to stamp out the nation’s costly borrowing habit once and for all? By enshrining in law the need to run a surplus when times are good, he will make it that bit harder for the public finances to crash as they did in the years running up to 2010 — whoever has their hands on the Treasury cash till. Such enforced fiscal discipline would be a powerful legacy for someone seeking promotion to Prime Minister by 2020.

Tackling the country’s deficit has been Osborne’s mission up to now but was never meant to be the end of the story. A look at the numbers explains why. There is much sleight of hand going on to persuade taxpayers that selling the state’s 80 per cent stake in RBS is a good idea, even if it does not ge t al l our money back from the £45 billion bailout. Consider that precisely that figure is the amount spent annually on interest payments just to service the UK’s £1.5 trillion of national debt. By remaining overborrow­ed, the country is effectivel­y saving an RBS year in, year out — albeit without the attendant public outcry and devastatin­g effect on economic confidence.

Any government should have the aspiration to run a surplus, especially one whose debt level is unhealthil­y high. The financiers I canvassed last night all agreed: their companies have to live within their means, so why shouldn’t the state?

Except that it is not always possible. Osborne had originally planned to wipe out the deficit within the last parliament but couldn’t manage it. Now the target is to balance day-to-day spending the year after next, and run surpluses for two financial years before the next general election.

Some economists already doubt that Osborne will hit those numbers. At the Budget in March, the Office for Budget Responsibi­lity (OBR) cut its forecast for the 2020 surplus to £7 billion from £23 billion, illustrati­ng how easily the figures move around. A retreat in publicsect­or spending must be matched by the private sector stepping up to the plate again. Job creation was the economic story of the last parliament. Boosting productivi­ty — in other words, output per worker per hour — and with it living standards should be a measure of success over the next five years.

Currently we have solid, unflashy growth in prospect but a weak first quarter has led to a mild dose of the jitters as annual forecasts are tweaked down. On the plus side, some business leaders are banking on a long period of cheap oil to help propel the British economy back to health.

Osborne has done much to bring the public finances out from the shadows. One of his first moves in 2010 was the creation of the OBR. It was intended to provide authoritat­ive analysis of the official figures, removing any impression that the Treasur y had scope to cook the books.

For the avoidance of doubt, he has fallen back on the word of law to underwrite his policies before. Never mind that legislatin­g to ban increases in the main rates of VAT, national insurance and VAT during this parliament puts the Chancellor in a peculiar straitjack­et should he need to raise funds, it takes one threat to consumers off the table.

There is an argument for more in this vein: anything that focuses the mind on getting welfare spending down to a manageable size is a good idea. The coalition made a start with the low-hanging fruit; the next step will be far harder. Still, I’m not convinced that legislatin­g on this latest big idea is any more than a gimmick.

Defining what “normal” looks like to determine when a surplus should be run i s problemati­c. Would the Treasury loosen the purse strings according to the first version of official data, or wait a while? From fears of a triple-dip recession a couple of years ago, the revised figures showed that the UK didn’t even suffer a double dip after all.

Another point, well made by John Longworth of the British Chambers of Commerce, is that any efforts to constrain future spending should exclude infrastruc­ture, which is a long-term investment and not simply a cost.

To t alk about years of surpluses shows this Government i s already running ahead of itself. Still to be revealed is how to achieve the first one since 2001. We have seen the early flashes of steel as axes are wielded across Whitehall but that is just the warm-up. The answer to the pre-election question of where the big cuts come will not be revealed until Osborne’s Budget on July 8.

What the Chancellor should remember is that the Conservati­ves won a firm mandate to manage the economy. There is no need for political posturing to emphasise fiscal discipline. The best way to do that is simply deliver on your promises.

To talk about years of surpluses shows this Government is already running ahead of itself

 ??  ?? The way ahead: Chancellor George Osborne makes his speech at the Mansion House dinner last night
The way ahead: Chancellor George Osborne makes his speech at the Mansion House dinner last night

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