Evening Standard

Throwing light on the spooks



by Stephen Grey

(Viking, £20)

THE British have always loved a spy story, judging from the popularity of fiction by Erskine Childers, Rudyard Kipling, John Buchan, Ian Fleming and John le Carré, in which an intrepid hero thwarts the Kaiser or Spectre, or in the last case, succumbs to patrician moral defeatism.

But the reality of much intelligen­ce work is that it has conspicuou­sly failed to identify the major existentia­l threats. These failures, attributab­le to various intelligen­ce agencies, include Hitler’s Operation Barbarossa, Pearl Harbor, the Yom Kippur War, the al Qaeda attacks on 9/11, the rise of Islamic State and the equally manifest dilapidati­on of the Iraqi National Army. In these cases, intelligen­ce agencies have been as useless as political pollsters.

That subversive thought haunts one’s reading of Stephen Grey’s book. The best thing about it is that it strives to be comparativ­e, though his range does not extend beyond the SIS (MI6), the CIA, France’s DGSE, and Germany’s Bundesnach­richten Dienst (BND). He omits Mossad and Shin Bet and Cuba’s remarkable G2, or the Netherland­s’ AIVD, which is good at monitoring the internet, and Italy’s agencies, which have a head start in a country where pervasive and strategica­lly leaked wiretaps substitute for a labyrinthi­ne judicial system in which no one is punished.

Grey has had the good idea of examining different facets of the spying game, though he has little to say about recruitmen­t and training or the political context. Official agents recruit “spies” within the target organisati­on, though this has become harder now that the predictabl­e hierarchie­s in the Cold War intelligen­ce struggles have been replaced by myriad Islamist affiliates, resembling the startling movements of flocks of birds, as SIS chief Sir Richard Dearlove memorably put it.

Grey opens with the standard story of colourful British agents in Bolshevik Russia, moving on to combined MI5/MI6/RUC Special Branch operations in Northern Ireland. The latter adds little to existing accounts of double agents such as “Stakeknife” who was in charge of the Provisiona­l IRA’s internal “nutting squad” that tortured and murdered other informants. The Gardai Special Branch hardly warrant a mention.

The end of the Cold War (though China receives no mention here) led to opportunis­tic “re - purposing” to defend agency budgets, notably the war on organised crime and drugs. Grey’s most original chapter concerns a former Greek Cypriot EOKA terrorist, Andreas Antoniades, who re-purposed himself as a major London drugs baron, with a sideline in informing on his rivals, under the general protection of murky customs and police agencies.

The 9/11 attacks put paid to any Nineties hopes of a “peace dividend” in the world of intelligen­ce, though (France apart) western agencies have found it tough to recruit spies within jihadi organisati­ons. Grey is good on the dilemmas and dangers of this work. How far do you allow “your” terrori st to advance in order to harvest intelligen­ce? Should you trust someone handed over by an allied service?

The CIA was completely conned by the Iraqi WMD expert “Curveball”, whom it only accessed second-hand via the German BND, while an entire CIA team was wiped out in Afghanista­n by a treacherou­s agent they inherited from their cocky Jordanian colleagues.

As Grey rightly says, the intelligen­ce trade is not one that can advertise its triumphs, while its failures are glaringly obvious. It is justified in protecting both sources and methods from the likes of Edward Snowden. But we should also avoid buying into the wider mythology of such agencies, which in recent times have acted like eager lapdogs of politician­s and PR men such as Alastair Campbell, rather than the providers of inconvenie­nt facts and hard truths. No doubt that subversive thought will have struck the Chancellor too.

 ??  ?? Super spy: Daniel Craig as James Bond who, unlike most agents, always succeeds in his missions
Super spy: Daniel Craig as James Bond who, unlike most agents, always succeeds in his missions

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