Evening Standard

Sexist adverts are not a big issue

- Linda Green Juliet Solomon KK Name withheld Mihai Negoita Tom Brake MP (Lib-Dem)

Are women so sensitive that seeing ads of bikini-clad models ‘destroys women’s confidence’ or ‘demeans them’

Linda Green

SADLY, many young people of both sexes in London are facing bigger dangers and problems than explicit adverts on public transport [“Jowell: I’ll ban sexist adverts on Tube”, August 12]. Tessa Jowell has clearly missed the recent abolition of housing benefit for the under-21s, the collapse of Kids Company, the slashing of local authority youth and care services and the linked threats of closure looming over many hostels and night shelters.

With 24-hour services starting up on the Tube, the Undergroun­d is set, by necessity, to turn into a source of shelter for both younger and older homeless people as temperatur­es fall this winter, and it will be doubtful if any will care one jot what they will be exposed to on billboards.

Coming just weeks after Lib-Dem leadership candidate Norman Lamb was calling for gay and lesbian characters in Peppa Pig cartoons, Ms Jowell’s proposals amply demonstrat­e just how out of touch with social and political realities DOES Ms Jowell think women are so sensitive that seeing ads of bikiniclad models “destroys women’s confidence” or “demeans them”? We are surrounded by such advertisin­g selling everything. I certainly won’t be influenced to vote for Jowell if this is an issue she thinks is of top importance to the Mayor of London.

She needs to show she is up to the job, which requires tough decisionma­king, similar to any CEO at the top of a big company. The job will also involve choosing the right people to advise the Mayor and deal with the priorities of running the capital.

many political leaders now are.

Alan Murdie, Benefits Legal Group I AGREE with Tessa Jowell’s stance on sexist ads — they can do a lot of damage to both men and women, and as your article states this is only one part of a package of policies to push for equality for London women. The others include targets for skills training places and making sure companies are paying female employees the same as men for doing the same work. It’s about time we had a mayor who stood up for women. IN A city where we live with the daily threat of terrorism, where we have a homeless migrant community and we can’t plan our airport expansion, it’s sad that Tessa Jowell has chosen sexism on Tube adverts as her most important cause. Or is the real reason about trying to get cheap votes from females? Let’s hope women see through this and elect a serious candidate such as Zac Goldsmith. SOME time ago I saw a TV film with a dude called Superman who could fly and see through walls and all sorts of cool stuff. I’m still devastated I can’t be like him and my self-esteem has reached new lows. Can we ban TV, please? The Labour Party, which is clearly way out of touch with the feelings of the electorate, seems to be trying to do to Jeremy Corbyn what it tried to do to Ken Livingston­e over the Mayor of London position. What is Labour’s objection to democracy? In your article about Zac Goldsmith [August 13], he says he is in favour of solutions. Can he explain the problem for which water cannon are the solution? They would not be effective in fast-moving public disturbanc­es such as the August 2011 riots — they empty very quickly and are in breach of a fundamenta­l principle of British policing, that of policing by consent. What other use does Mr Goldsmith have for them? Watering Hyde Park in a drought, perhaps? The bright lights operated by security sensors should be banned. They light up unexpected­ly and can be most unpleasant for those of us with sensitive eyesight. They serve little purpose, especially when they are focused on passers-by rather than the properties they are supposed to protect. Furthermor­e, permission should be sought from local councils before such potential irritants are installed.

Antony Porter

 ??  ?? Rescue effort: Londoners come to the aid of a woman trapped under a cab in the City last week
Rescue effort: Londoners come to the aid of a woman trapped under a cab in the City last week

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