Evening Standard

‘My brother was robbed of phone as he died’

- Daniel O’Mahony

A YOUNG man who was stabbed in the chest after being ambushed was robbed of his phone and watch as he lay dying in the street, his family said today.

Omar Raza, 23, was set upon after parking his silver BMW convertibl­e in a cul-de-sac in Wood Green.

He fled on foot into Downhills Park Road, near Turnpike Lane station, where he collapsed on a doorstep.

Paramedics fought to resuscitat­e him for 40 minutes, but he was pronounced dead at the scene at 3pm on Wednesday last week.

Murder detectives today issued a fresh appeal for witnesses as they try to piece together Mr Raza’s movements in his final hours.

Ali Raza, his brother, told today of his disbelief that anyone would want to target his younger brother. Mr Raza, 27, said: “They took his phone and watch, nothing else. Nobody can believe that for this small reason somebody would do this.

“Everyone in Walthamsto­w knew him — old men and young kids. This is what I don’t understand.

“Mum collapsed when she saw the body. Dad says he’s lost his ‘right hand man’. I know Omar’s in a good place, I know he’s in peace rather than this hectic life — but of course I want justice.

“He had a good heart, he was clean. He would joke with everyone. That’s why I was shocked when they called me — why has he been killed?”

Mr Raza, who works at the Tesco superstore in Leyton, added: “I’m smiling now thinking about him, but maybe in two hours I’ll be crying again. But he doesn’t want me to cry.”

A friend of the brothers said: “Omar was full of life, he was always smiling. Even though we never had any money in our pockets, we would always do something. He was a caring guy.”

Detective Chief Inspector Matt Bonner, of the Homicide and Major Crime Command, appealed for witnesses to the attack.

He said: “Omar had travelled to Ivatt Way in a silver convertibl­e BMW, which is where we believe he was first attacked. I am keen to establish exactly what time he arrived there and why.

“We then believe the victim ran from the car and into Downhills Park Road, possibly being chased by the suspect. If you were in the area and saw anything please get in contact with us.”

Three teenagers aged 17, 18 and 19, were arrested on suspicion of murder yesterday and were being questioned about the killing today.

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 ??  ?? Ambush: Omar Raza fled after being attacked as he parked his car
Ambush: Omar Raza fled after being attacked as he parked his car

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