Evening Standard

The big reveal

From the 15-minute lunch break fix to intensive renewing routines, face peels have undergone a makeover. Emma McCarthy takes the acid test


SAY the words “skin peel” and the first thing that springs to mind is the angry, vermilionc­oloured complexion of a post-chemical peel Samantha Jones circa 2002. But a lot has changed since the Sex and the City horror show that saw its most uninhibite­d character attending Carrie’s book launch under the protection of a poorly concealing veil.

Nowadays the process of going for a peel needn’t mean forking out hundreds of pounds on Harley Street for the privilege of hiding under your duvet for days. Skin peels have undergone a facelift. In fact, you can now you can squeeze one into just 15 minutes mid-shopping trip.

“The most common misconcept­ion about skin peels is that they are bad for your skin and result in excessive redness and flaking, meaning you will need a few weeks off work while the skin repairs itself,” says Fatma Sheheen, founder of cosmeceuti­cals brand Skin Design London and the brains behind the innovative new Skin Peel Bar which has just landed on the second floor of Fortnum & Mason. “The new generation of peels means a superficia­l exfoliatio­n, which helps to keep skin healthy and glowing without the downtime.”

With a “Freshlift” menu of express treatments, Sheheen’s 15-minute peels are designed to provide fast, weekly complexion maintenanc­e whether you’re on your lunch break or stopping by to pick up a jar of marmalade. There are currently two peels to choose from: the brightenin­g Cherry Peel is a powerful, rejuvenati­ng solution that tackles pigmentati­on and uneven skin tone while kick-starting collagen production; the Pink Rock Rose Peel is a gentler option for sensitive types and face-peel virgins that uses a combinatio­n of fruitderiv­ed enzymes and peptides — in place of glycolic and lactic acids — to dissolve dead cells and speed up renewal while leaving skin deeply hydrated.

Both treatments a re be s p o ke , with ingredient strengths customised to suit

‘The new generation of face peels means healthy, glowing skin — without the downtime’

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