Evening Standard

Massive Israeli air strike rocks Syrian capital

- Rashid Razaq

ISRAELI airstrikes rocked Syria’s capital today, causing a huge explosion followed by a fire near Damascus internatio­nal airport.

Intelligen­ce officials in Israel claimed they were targeting an arms supply hub operated by Lebanese Shia militia Hezbollah, and aimed to stop the flow of weapons from Iran via cargo planes.

Hezbollah and Iran are key allies of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in his war against rebels. Senior rebel sources near Damascus said five strikes hit an ammunition depot used by Iran-backed militias and a blaze appeared to have broken out in a closed military area of the complex.

Rami Abdel Rahman, head of the UKbased Syrian Observator­y for Human Rights, said: “The blast was huge and could be heard in Damascus.” The airport is about 15 miles south-east of the city centre.

Israeli intelligen­ce minister Israel Katz said: “I can confirm the incident in Syria correspond­s completely with Israel’s policy to act to prevent Iran’s smuggling of advanced weapons via Syria to Hezbollah. Naturally, I don’t want to elaborate on this.” Speaking from America, where he has been meeting US officials, he added: “The [Israeli] prime minister [Benjamin Netanyahu] has said that whenever we receive intelligen­ce that indicated an intention to transfer advanced weapons to Hezbollah, we will act.”

Lebanon’s al-Manar television, which is affiliated with Hezbollah, said the strikes appeared to have hit warehouses and fuel tanks, causing material damage but no human casualties.

A senior regional intelligen­ce source told Reuters the depot handles weapons sent by air from Iran, with many destined for various Tehran-backed militias, led by Hezbollah, which have thousands of fighters on some of the toughest fronts against Syrian rebels.

Israeli officials have previously said any movement of advanced weaponry to Hezbollah in Syria was a “red line”.

 ??  ?? Arms dump: flames rise from the site near Damascus internatio­nal airport
Arms dump: flames rise from the site near Damascus internatio­nal airport

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