Evening Standard

The war against London’s killer pollution can be won

Bold action is now needed, as in New York, where air quality is at its cleanest in 50 years

- Michael R Bloomberg

INEVER trust air I can’t see.” One of my predecesso­rs as mayor of New York regularly uttered that line to draw laughs. But that was 50 years ago, and the dangers of air pollution weren’t as well known back then.

Today, few city dwellers around the world consider air pollution a laughing matter, and they are rightly demanding that their government­s take action to reduce it. The UK, where nitrogen oxide and soot-like particulat­e matter have reached emergency levels, has a chance to become a global leader on the issue.

Pollution kills 40,000 British people every year before their time, about a quarter of them in London. That is a veritable public-health crisis — and as Londoners know, it has been getting worse. Earlier this year, London’s air quality fell below Beijing’s. The environmen­tal activists who placed the masks on statues around London created an unnecessar­y public nuisance, but it was impossible to argue with their point.

Heavy pollution also saddles taxpayers with several billion pounds a year in healthcare costs. And it reduces London’s attractive­ness to foreign companies at a time when,as a result of Brexit, its competitiv­eness is being challenged by other financial capitals.

The fact is that companies want to invest in areas where people want to live. That makes air pollution an important variable in a country’s business climate, and it’s an important reason why global cities have grown increasing­ly determined to improve their air quality. My own company will be opening a new headquarte­rs in the heart of the City later this year, and we take our employees’ health quite seriously.

Londoners and their leaders will decide for themselves the best policies to adopt to combat pollution but, as someone who considers London my second home, I’m rooting for bold action. And as a former mayor who tackled this challenge in New York City, I have good news: success is possible.

When we created a blueprint for climate-change action in New York, we set a goal of achieving the cleanest air of any large US city. To identify the best strategies for reaching that goal, we first needed better data — because if you can’t measure a problem, you can’t manage it. That led us to place 150 air-quality sensors at street level around the city, and what we learned was startling: one per cent of the city’s buildings — the ones that used the dirtiest heating oils — were producing more soot pollution than all the vehicles on our roads combined.

Armed with that informatio­n, we were able to build public support for banning the dirtiest-burning heating oil, requiring energy audits in large buildings, and incentivis­ing investment­s in cleaner energy. We also reduced auto emissions by making our taxi fleet more fuel-efficient, speeding bus travel through dedicated lanes and encouragin­g walking and cycling. After just a few years, we saw our air quality improve to its cleanest level in more than 50 years — and that helped us increase life expectancy by three years.

Air-quality sensors have also played a central role in spurring action in other countries with serious pollution problems, including China. Data transparen­cy can also be a powerful tool in the UK, by giving citizens the informatio­n they need to demand action — and take action on their own. Londoners already know that cars account for half of all particulat­e matter and nitrogen oxide, and it is encouragin­g to see Transport for London switching to electric cabs and buses. But which types of cars are the worst offenders? That has been harder to know with any certainty.

The deception that auto companies engaged in to mask the true extent of their pollution was scandalous. But holding them accountabl­e is not enough. There is no penalty that can undo the damage they have done. The public can, however, ensure that it never happens again, by taking matters into their own hands.

The Mayor, Sadiq Khan, is working to make that possible by joining with a group of European, Asian and Latin American cities that have committed to measuring the actual emission levels from cars on urban streets, rather than trusting the manufactur­ers’ laboratory tests. Remote sensors and portable monitors will allow for careful and accurate tracking of emission levels in realworld conditions.

My foundation, Bloomberg Philan- thropies, is supporting this effort, and its goal is simple: giving consumers more accurate informatio­n about the pollution that cars emit so they can make better informed decisions about which models to lease and purchase.

By the end of the year, data on actual emissions will be published online. In addition to better arming London’s car buyers, the publicly available data will also force the car companies to compete more openly and aggressive­ly to offer the cleanest vehicles.

Of course, the problem of air pollution is not confined to London. This week, city mayors will be elected in Manchester, Liverpool, Sheffield and other Northern Powerhouse cities. This change will also empower local communitie­s to play a more significan­t role in reducing pollution. Yet for the new mayors to succeed, it’s imperative that they be given sufficient authority over their cities’ operations, policy and budget. Bloomberg Philanthro­pies and the Northern Powerhouse Partnershi­p will be offering technical and management support to the new mayors, and it’s our hope that they will make reducing pollution a top priority.

Achieving clean air requires a bottomup, comprehens­ive approach to tackling emissions, not only from vehicles but also from power plants, as well as office buildings and homes. Collecting data from all sources of pollution, and making it publicly available, is one of the least expensive and most effective ways to clean the air — and cities are wellpositi­oned to lead the way.

Michael R Bloomberg served as mayor of New York (2002-2013) and is the co-author of Climate of Hope: How Cities, Businesses and Citizens Can Save the Planet.

In New York we found that one per cent of buildings were producing more soot pollution than all the vehicles on our roads combined

 ??  ?? A smoggy day in London town: the capital is one of the most polluted places on the planet
A smoggy day in London town: the capital is one of the most polluted places on the planet

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