Evening Standard

Brexit demands, says senior MEP

Stay in the single market to avoid damaging cliff-edge, urges Mayor

- Pippa Crerar City Hall Editor

SADIQ KHAN today called for Britain to remain in the EU single market — claiming the general election “moved the Brexit goalposts”.

The Mayor urged Theresa May and her ministers to “listen to the will of the people” who rejected her vision of a hard Brexit on polling day, when she lost her Commons majority.

He said the Prime Minister should instead work towards a “sensible” deal securing London’s economic stability. Key to this would be early agreement on a transition­al deal so the UK can avoid a damaging “cliff-edge” when it leaves the EU in March 2019.

The Mayor has long held the view that Britain should retain its single market membership even though it voted to leave in last year’s referendum.

He told the London Assembly: “The Prime Minister sought a mandate ... for her version of hard Brexit but the electorate registered their opposition. It’s time she heeded the message.

“There is now a broad consensus that such an approach to these crucial negotiatio­ns would risk jobs, risk investment and damage business confidence. The Brexit goalposts have been moved. The Government must listen to the will of the people ... negotiatin­g a sensible Brexit that ensures continuing UK membership of the single market”.

The single market accounts for nearly half of UK exports. Brexiteers claim it will be impossible to stay in it at the same time as leaving the EU as Britain will still be subject to freedom of movement rules. But Mr Khan said the UK should negotiate over “appropriat­e” restrictio­ns on the rules.

 ??  ?? Debut: French president Emmanuel Macron, with wife Brigitte, is attending his first EU summit
Debut: French president Emmanuel Macron, with wife Brigitte, is attending his first EU summit

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