Evening Standard

PM will face ‘political meltdown’ if she does not deliver on Brexit

- Joe Murphy Political Editor

THERESA MAY faced growing Tory tensions over Europe today, with one Right-winger warning of a “political meltdown” if she fails to deliver a full Brexit.

Labour today offered to join Conservati­ves who favour a “soft Brexit” in Commons votes, to force concession­s on the single market and the customs union.

Shadow Brexit minister Jenny Chapman told BBC Radio 4 that Labour were reaching out to Tories and “trying to get knife-edge votes ... to try and force [Mrs May’s] hand”.

With increasing talk of concession­s in the air, Leave campaigner Bernard Jenkin said there would be trouble if the House of Lords blocked Brexit legislatio­n.

Writing for think tank Politeia, he said: “If the Lords fail to respect the mandate that the Commons has to press forward with Brexit ... then they will be courting the prospect of the kind of political meltdown we have not seen for a century or more.”

It came after renewed speculatio­n about a leadership coup, with David Davis and Philip Hammond both touted as c aret akers. One Right-winger claimed the Chancellor spent a suspicious­ly long time at a reception for new MPs organised by the 1922 Committee, saying: “Hammond is on manoeuvres.” Sources close to Mr Hammond denied he was drumming up votes.

Mrs May was hoping to gain momentum this afternoon by unveiling the full details of her offer of lifetime residency rights to three million EU citizens who have settled in the UK.

Government sources said the 15-page paper would answer questions such as whether family members would gain similar rights and what would happen to anyone who left temporaril­y.

But the demand by EU leaders for the European Court of Justice to oversee disputes remains a sticking point.

The Conservati­ve Right is protecting Mrs May because members believe she is best placed to push ahead with a “hard” exit from the EU in 2019.

It has emerged that Jeremy Corbyn believes he will become Prime Minister this year. Glastonbur­y founder Michael Eavis said: “I said to him, ‘When are you going to be prime minister?’ He said: ‘In six months.”

 ??  ?? “On manoeuvres”: Chancellor Philip Hammond has been touted as a caretaker leader, but a source close to him denied he was drumming up votes
“On manoeuvres”: Chancellor Philip Hammond has been touted as a caretaker leader, but a source close to him denied he was drumming up votes

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