Evening Standard

Cheryl and her luscious locks are what really float Liam’s boat


CHERYL Cole has returned from maternity leave and given an interview to This Morning. It will air on Wednesday and we are promised it will focus largely on the treatment of her hair rather than the politics of workingmot­herhood.

Pleasingly, her beau, former One Direction star Liam Payne, had something more poetic to say. Yesterday, he gave an interview on US radio show Most Requested Live, in which he revealed, “I would have to say my girlfriend’s hair is my favourite smell. Gotta be.” Unfortunat­ely, despite his pure-hearted intent, this comment feels rather creepy. Payne was presumably media-trained intensivel­y during his years in One Direction; perhaps someone ought to give him a refresher.

On this saccharine theme he also revealed that, were he to own a yacht, he would call it The Cheryl. “Looks like he’s found his first mate for life,” quipped The Mirror. Incidental­ly, as his fortune is estimated at £40 million, it is possible that The Cheryl could at some point take to the open seas.

It is misanthrop­ic, but I find such public profession­s of affection nauseating. There are so many better smells and, I’d argue, more inspiring sources for naming a boat. Cheryl is bewitching but Payne naming a lavish vessel after his girlfriend feels a bit unimaginat­ive. Though better that than Yachty McYachtFac­e.

 ??  ?? Hair apparent: Cheryl Cole
Hair apparent: Cheryl Cole

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