Evening Standard

Is Apple’s collosal new circular super-office. Welcome to the $5 billion campus, says


compensate there’s also fresh-air ventilatio­n. This was one of Jobs’ desires: to keep those inside connected to the world outdoors. His influence is everywhere, such as the fitness and wellness centre, a multi-storey building clad in stone distressed to resemble the former CEO’s favourite hotel in Yosemite.

If you’ve ever watched an Apple presentati­on, you’ll recognise certain persistent themes: after the boldly described innovation­s there is always an emphasis on the importance of being environmen­tally responsibl­e. This might seem confusing from a company that delivers endless updates to its products but its gadgets do boast recyclable materials, arsenic-free glass, mercury-free displays and so on. Apple even has a robot called Liam which can recognise, dismantle and sort reusable elements from an iPhone that’s reached the end of its life. So it’s no surprise that Apple values green energy.

As CEO Tim Cook told me earlier this year: “We very much care about our environmen­t. We set out on a goal which seemed reckless at the time of running Apple on 100 per cent renewable energy. I’m proud to say today we run Apple on 93 per cent renewable energy and we’re going to make that extra seven.” So the new campus will be mostly powered from an onsite lowcarbon plant, supplement­ed by solar panels that cover much of the building’s roofs. There are also reports that the campus will use recycled water.

For now, the press will mostly be focusing on the Steve Jobs Theater, which is likely to offer its own glimpses of Apple’s pursuit of perfection. The

building is made up of a circular glass wall that supports a silver-disc roof. To reach the auditorium you must descend spiral staircases or take a lift — and even this simple task became an engineerin­g test. The circular nature of the building means you enter the lift on one side but exit on the other. So the lift has two sets of doors, right? Oh no, they only wanted one door, so the lift gently rotates as it descends. Only Apple.

And that’s as it should be. The best corporate HQs are expression­s of the ambitions and outlook of the people

who work in them. Apple Park is no exception. The building weaves in its late co-founder’s passions and idiosyncra­sies. It displays the brand’s pursuit of function wrapped in beauty. Its sheer size and the commitment to architectu­re makes clear: we will be shaping your lives for a very long time. And, as Apple battles in a ruthless smartphone market, it must also hope that the Apple Park will inspire its staff to keep their finger on the power button of invention for many years to come.


 ??  ?? In a circle: Apple’s new hub in California and, inset,
CEO Tim Cook
In a circle: Apple’s new hub in California and, inset, CEO Tim Cook

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