Evening Standard

German turmoil ‘won’t help UK reduce divorce bill’

- Nicholas Cecil Deputy Political Editor

A CLOSE ally of Angela Merkel today slapped down Brexiteers arguing that Germany’s political turmoil means Britain may be able to pay a lower “divorce bill” as it quits the EU.

After coalition talks to form a new German government broke down, Christian Schmidt, a senior member of Ms Merkel’s Cabinet, rejected claims that a weakened administra­tion in Berlin would be more fearful of damaging businesses by taking a hard line on Brexit, or of being left to plug a hole in the EU budget if there is no deal.

“I would suggest to all not to count on such a scenario,” the food and agricultur­e minister told BBC radio. He warned Britain of the dangers of a bungled Brexit, saying: “Time is running out. This is not a game, winner or loser, this is a responsibi­lity.”

On the prospect of Britain crashing out without a deal, he said: “Just think which kind of disaster this would be for the United Kingdom economy.” Mrs Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union/ Christian Social Union alliance has been in talks with the Greens and liberal Free Democrats since it failed to win a majority in September’s elections — but the FDP pulled out of the talks on Sunday.

Germany’s president Frank-Walter Steinmeier urged parties to make compromise­s. Alternativ­es include a minority CDU government or new elections. A UK minister said: “None of these scenarios are particular­ly good for Brexit.” Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg MP has suggested Britain may be able to exploit Berlin’s difficulti­es, adding: “Approving a higher divorce bill at this stage would be foolish.”

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