Evening Standard

Trump centre stage as hush money trial starts

The ex-president is accused of paying off a porn star and Playboy model

- Tristan Kirk Courts Correspond­ent

DONALD TRUMP was today set to stand trial in New York over alleged “hush money” payments to a porn star and a Playboy model, in the first criminal case brought against a former US president.

Mr Trump is accused of having a sexual encounter with porn star Stormy Daniels in 2006 while married to wife Melania, before allegedly being involved in a backroom deal to try to stop it becoming public in the run-up to the 2016 presidenti­al election. He is also accused of having an affair with Playboy model Karen McDougal, together with a second alleged payment to buy her silence. Jury selection was due to begin today.

Mr Trump is set to be the Republican presidenti­al candidate in a showdown at the polls with Democratic incumbent Joe Biden in November. However, his campaign is set to be punctuated by court appearance­s, with the hush money trial just the first of four criminal cases against him.

Ms Daniels broke a non-disclosure agreement to say she had a sexual encounter with Mr Trump. She says she was paid $130,000 not to go public with the revelation, in a deal allegedly struck by Mr Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen. It is said a $150,000 payment was agreed for Ms McDougal. It is alleged that financial records were fabricated to hide the payments. Cohen was jailed for three years in 2018 for a variety of charges including tax evasion, and has since turned against Mr Trump. He is set to be the star prosecutio­n witness alongside Ms Daniels and Ms McDougal.

Mr Trump has denied the charges and has also previously denied extra-marital affairs. If convicted, the charges against Mr Trump could carry jail time. Trials over claims he illegally stored classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago resort, allegedly interfered in the 2020 election, and a case centring on the January 6 Capitol Hill riot are still to come.

 ?? ?? Criminal case: Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels
Criminal case: Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels

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