Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Woman dies after ‘fainting’ on bus


A 46-YEAR-old woman has died in hospital after taking ill on a bus.

Emergency services were called after Anne Jolly reportedly fainted while on board the vehicle in Forfar.

The incident took place on a Stagecoach bus travelling between Forfar and Ms Jolly’s home in Letham.

Today, Ms Jolly’s sister Carol said: “This is tragic for our family.”

A Stagecoach spokeswoma­n said two passengers had tried to help Anne.

They alerted the driver, who pulled over and waited for emergency services to arrive.

She said: “A passenger took ill while travelling on one of our vehicles operating between Forfar and Arbroath on Thursday.

“The bus was on Restenneth Drive in Forfar when our driver was made aware and pulled over.

“Two other passengers on board assisted the customer and alerted the driver, who called an ambulance.

“We are thankful for the quick action by our driver and customers and our thoughts are with the family of the passenger involved.”

A neighbour of Ms Jolly said that she was finding it hard to take in the news of her death.

“She was a lovely, bubbly person and always keen to have a laugh,” the neighbour said.

“She was always full of energy and a really flamboyant character.

“I can’t get my head around what has happened.

“I spoke to her only a few days ago and she was absolutely fine. I was told that she had been on the bus travelling back home to Letham when she became unwell. “It’s just so sad and sudden.” A friend, who didn’t want to be named, said that she was still in shock at the news.

She said: “This is just devastatin­g for her family.”

Ms Jolly, who was a trained nurse, has a son Stuart, who lives in Edinburgh.

She is also survived by her mum, Chris, and Carol, who live in Montrose.

It was the second tragedy to hit the family this year. Her dad, David, died in June.

A spokesman for the Scottish Ambulance Service said they received an emergency call out to Restenneth Drive at 11.10am on November 10. He added: “Two ambulances attended. “A woman in a serious condition was taken to Ninewells Hospital.”

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