Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Robert ticked the boxes for Emma with his height, specs and shirts!


“One of my best friends, Craig McConnell, had previously worked with a guy there on another night out — Robert Lawson. “We got chatting and he asked for my number and I gave it four or five times because every time he tried to put it into his phone he got it wrong. I had to do it myself in the end.” Robert, 30, a web developer from the east end of Glasgow, could have played it cool and left it a couple of days before making that all-important follow-up call but, no, he called the very next day. “We went for a few Tuesday-evening Coronas and he suggested dinner — and that was that, really. We haven’t been apart since!” What made Robert such an obvious and instant keeper? “Hmmm — he fitted all the criteria,” replied Emma, adding: “Tall, specs, he was pretty hip with his checked shirts and jumpers and he’s just such a lovely guy too. Everything has felt so natural, so meant-to-be and never forced.” The couple were the perfect fit and after dating for a couple for years they got their first flat together in Dennistoun. Then, three years ago, they moved into their own home at East Kilbride. “The proposal was, I have to say, pretty low-key,” said Emma. “It was during an advert break while watching Sunday night TV, the ring having been hidden amongst the dog food — but that’s the way I like it, I suppose.”

Emma doesn’t seem the type to go for ostentatio­us, mainstream gestures so the wedding itself was charmingly restrained — but still had an eclectic grandeur which was all their very own.

The venue for the couple’s humanist wedding was Sloan’s, the oldest bar and restaurant in Glasgow, which boasts a rather splendid ballroom upstairs that was fabulously decorated for the day.

The couple’s beloved Ted — a roguish Cavachon who’s been a part of the family for a couple of years now — also got to come along and was apparently well-behaved on the day.

Emma’s silk, tulle and satin dress came from Flossy & Dossy in Glasgow and the Champagne Gold colour was identical to the colour worn by her mum on her wedding day.

Emma also wore her grandmothe­r’s pearls and a floral headband she had crafted herself.

Robert was resplenden­t in Manx Hunting tartan and his best man was long-time pal Simon McLaughlin.

Emma’s two attendants were bridesmaid Alison Adam and bridesman Craig, who was there the night the happy couple first met.

Family from across Angus were in attendance to see Emma given away by her dad and, after the ceremony, the guests partied the night away until the wee small hours.

After a superb honeymoon touring Italy, the couple are now back down to earth and enjoying their first Christmas as husband and wife.

Best wishes to all.

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