Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Tragedy as Steven found dead by kids


Father-of-three Steven Small, 43, was found dead at his home by his three daughters before his former partner battled in vain to save his life.

Mum Sandra Middlemass, 62, said doctors had detected a problem with the aortic valve in his heart last year.

The Tayport man was scheduled to have surgery within the next six weeks to prevent the valve from leaking — but he sadly never had the procedure.

Sandra said: “I am absolutely shocked he has gone. He had been in for surgery last year after complicati­ons with his broken foot and they detected this problem with his heart.

“I had been going through with him to Edinburgh to speak to the surgeon.

“His aorta valve was swollen out and the arteries weren’t meeting correctly. There was a chance it could burst and we think that’s what’s killed him.

“Prior to last August he didn’t have a clue he had any issues with his heart.

“They thought initially he had a murmur but, after various tests, they discovered this problem with his aorta valve.

“He was scheduled to get animal skin placed on to the valve, which I know he was extremely worried about.” Former textiles worker Steven, known as ‘Mozzo’, was described has a “doting” dad to children Shannon, 18, Chantelle, 16 and Steph, 14.

Sandra said: “Steven had been a bit of a joker and the girls thought he was playing a prank when they found him lying there because it was April Fools’ Day.

“It was obviously very distressin­g for them to see their dad like that.

“I spoke to Steven every day on the phone or in person — not only have I lost my son, I have lost my best friend.”

Steven, who was a fitness fanatic, had planned to go on holiday to Turkey with his mum and stepdad Wullie.

Sandra added: “After the surgery, doctors said he would be able to fly within six weeks.

“He was planning on coming out with me and Wullie to Turkey.

“The family are just stunned at the moment.”

Steven’s funeral service will be held at Dundee Crematoriu­m tomorrow at 1.15pm.

His family has asked for donations to be made to the British Heart Foundation.

A DEVASTATED mum today said she had lost her “best friend” after the death of her only son.

 ??  ?? A GROUP of Abertay University stu- dents landed a prize at the Bafta Games Awards in London.
Bluedoor Games, made up of seven students, won Bafta’s Ones To Watch Award for their game Among The Stones, which they have been developing for the last...
A GROUP of Abertay University stu- dents landed a prize at the Bafta Games Awards in London. Bluedoor Games, made up of seven students, won Bafta’s Ones To Watch Award for their game Among The Stones, which they have been developing for the last...
 ??  ?? Steven and mum Sandra.
Steven and mum Sandra.

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