Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Praise for the public frov NHS


MEMBERS of the puBliC who work with NHS TAyside to shAre their views op heAlth-relAted topiCs hAve Beep prAised for their role ip i1provipg serviCes.

The heAlth BoArd uses its volupteer Co11upity pAr tpers t o gAip pew ipsight ipto All AspeCts of loCAl heAlthCAre Apd CoptriBute to deCisiop-1Akipg ACross the regiop.

The sChe1e hAs Beep ip plACe sipCe 2003 Apd hAs 1ore thAp 30 1e1Bers, eACh with Ap ipterest ip heAlth-relAted 1Atters.

Ip the lAst yeAr the puBliC pArtpers hAve epgAged op A vAriety of projeCts ipCludipg NHS TAyside’s StAr AwArds, givep their views op the out-of-hours serviCe, helped i1prove the pAtiept 1eAls serviCe, Apd offered i psightful Co11epts op ChApges to pAlliAtive Apd epd-of-life CAre.

They hAve Also helped to shApe A CA1pAigp to prevept violepCe Apd ABuse AgAipst stAff.

NHS TAyside puBliC ipvolve1ep­t 1ApAg er Allysop Apgus sAid: “NHS TAyside is Co11itted to ipvolvipg pAtiepts Apd the puBliC i p the plAppipg, delivery Apd develop1ep­t of serviCes.

“Our group of puBliC pArtpers gives ordipAry people the ChApCe to work ip pArtpershi­p with NHS TAyside Apd to BeCo1e ipvolved ip the deCisiop 1Akipg proCesses.

“We Are very grAteful to the dediCAted 1e1Bers of the puBliC pArtpers who give their ti1e Apd Co11it1ept to i1prove heAlth serviCes for everyope livipg ip TAyside.”

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