Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Primary school kids share porn

Police speak to pupils after adult material is circulated


POLICE were called to an A ng us pri ma r y school after pupils were caught sha r i ng adu lt mater ia l with other classmates.

Officers attended Warddykes Primary, Arbroath, on Friday to speak to the pupils involved, alongside the children’s parents.

It is understood the material was circulated via the internet among a number of pupils outside of school hours. A parent raised the alarm after being told about the images by their child. No-one has been charged with any offences.

One mum with a child at the school said she learned of the incident through a friend, and that teachers had not spoken to parents.

She said: “I find this very concerning because material like that can spread fast and it would be in the school’s best interest to inform parents.

“I was at least expecting a letter yesterday but got nothing.

“It’s a good school but children are exposed to so much they shouldn’t be these days. I’ve spoken with my child and they haven’t been affected – but it’s not something any parent wants their kids to see.”

Police confirmed the matter was dealt with “appropriat­ely”.

A spokesman for Angus Council said: “The school was made aware of certain material that was sent online.

“Even though the incident happened outwith school hours, the school felt that it was entirely appropriat­e for staff and police officers to speak with those involved and their parents. The matter is now closed.”

An NSPCC Scotland spokesman said: “Age limits for many social media networks are in place to protect children but they are not enough and can be easily flouted.

“It is crucial that these platforms have built-in safety features and better reporting methods to ensure the safety of younger users.

“It is also vital that parents have regular conversati­ons with their children to understand their online world.”

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