Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

By crafting bug

Grace was bitten


FOR most of us a business or side venture takes careful considerat­ion and planning before we decide to take the leap.

However Grace Linton decided to try some crafting to raise money for her daughter’s gap year and was instantly hooked.

Now, three years later, Grace’s creations under the name Caruna Crafts are being sold in multiple shops and she even still fits in time to do some volunteer work.

Grace, who lives in Montrose, said: “My daughter Anna was going on a gap year so needed to raise about £3,000.

“That was the first time I decided to do any crafts.

“I told Anna that I would make some things and we could have a coffee morning locally and as soon as I started crafting I was absolutely hooked.

“This was three years ago and I have been making things ever since.

“I was volunteert­ing at the local foodbank at the time and still volunteer there three days a week as well.”

Grace’s creations don’t just look stunning, her jewellery, candles and other pieces are all created using recycled materials.

Designs include vintage clock face bracelets and necklaces, candles made from beer bottles and even dyed egg shell jewellery which when smashed and dyed creates a unique pattern which is then covered in resin.

Grace said: “I started off my crafting with sea glass jewellery and pottery before it moved on to using coconut shells and then things like vintage watch faces and stamps.

“It is very important to me that the materials I use for everything I make has had a life before.

“I don’t really call it upcycling as things like feathers can’t be upcycled, but I like to know it has all had a purpose before I have used it. Even down to the smallest parts.”

Since being hooked on crafting Grace has taught herself new techniques by watching YouTube and also just trying new things.

She added: “It has been a lot of trial and error and often it has been more error than trial!

“If anyone else is thinking about starting their own small business I would tell them to absolutely do it.

“It all clicked when I started and I am so glad that it did.”

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