Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Trade hurt by parking

Shops say they are losing out due to lack of spaces


BUSI NESSES i n a c it y shopping area claim they are losi n g c u stome rs because NHS workers are ditching their cars there.

Shop owners have said there is generally a lack of parking in front of shops at Orleans Place, Menzieshil­l, and disabled people in particular are not catered for.

Andrene Robertson, who owns Lawrence James Hairdresse­rs, said the situation was “terrible” and claimed the issue is partly due to Ninewells staff parking cars and hopping on a bus to the hospital.

She said: “I lost about three customers one day because they couldn’t get in. One of our staff was in at 8.25am and got the very last space. It’s really bad.

“This definitely is affecting business. We have complained to the council.”

She said: “This has been going on for well over a year and a bit. I have had the business now for 29 years and it never used to be like this.”

Andrene says she has asked the council, which is the site landlord, if a two-hour parking limit could be put in place or parking permits given to shop staff to try to help resolve the issue.

Clark’s Bakery worker Sharron Stannage said: “It’s ridiculous, it’s just a total nightmare.”

She supported the idea of getting a free hour to park before having to pay for the rest of the day, as well as staff permits.

Councillor Charlie Malone has backed the calls for more parking bays, with increased capacity for disabled shoppers.

He has said he will speak to the council about the possibilit­y of putting in disabled parking bays.

A spokeswoma­n for NHS Tayside said: “We are aware car parking at Ninewells Hospital can sometimes experience pressure at peak times.

“However, the site is particular­ly well served by public transport and we encourage staff and visitors to consider alternativ­e travel options, such as car-sharing, cycling, walking or public transport, wherever possible.”

A Dundee City Council spokesman said: “We will look into this.”

 ??  ?? Susan McAllister and Andrene Robertson of Lawrence James Hairdressi­ng.
Susan McAllister and Andrene Robertson of Lawrence James Hairdressi­ng.

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