Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Dog lovers bite back at reader


DISCIPLINA­RIAN – what a sad person you are to have never loved a dog or have a dog love you. There are no bad dogs. The only race on this planet that is evil is humans.

A dog is only bad and aggressive if a human trains it to be.

A dog will do anything to please his owner. You will never see a dog neglect or abuse their young like humans do.

A dog only wants to be cared

I DO not know where Disciplina­rian got his/her facts from (January 14).

Dog ownership, according to the office of national statistics, has declined over the last five years due to escalation of vets’ fees, pet insurance policies, compulsory chipping, and overall cost. An expensive dog licence would handicap those who enjoy the company of a dog.

for and loved. If you give them that you will have it returned 100-fold.

I agree with dog licences, this would maybe stop some people from having one. But when you see what some young human animals get up to since it’s been law not to smack them, it makes you wonder if they should be on a lead and muzzled.

I’m glad Disciplina­rian doesn’t like dogs as I wouldn’t

Admittedly there are cases of dogs attacking people and these are not to be overlooked and are a result of lack of training or in some cases no training – hardly the dog’s fault.

Compulsory basic training would help a lot.

In today’s world the general public is in danger not from the dog, but from the most dangerous beast on the planet – man. be able to sleep thinking an animal was in their care. Get a life and leave poor dogs alone.

DISCIPLINA­RIAN must be a good fisherman as many bites will come his way.

As a dog owner and animal lover for nearly 60 years, the biggest problem I’ve had with animals is cruel and ignorant humans.

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